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Bug/Issue PC v1.2.33 Animal Mood Inconsistencies

Discussion in 'Support' started by medicdude, Dec 28, 2017.

  1. medicdude

    medicdude Intergalactic Tourist

    Animal mood decreases after 6pm, even if they are happily sleeping in the barn/coop, which seems like a bug. (except during winter)

    Also, animal mood increases between 6 and 7pm if the animal is outside and mood is less than 150, which doesn't seem to make any sense.
    • PolarWolfDragon

      PolarWolfDragon Tentacle Wrangler

      I remember I had a "looking a bit thin" chicken and I forgot to feed it a second day. I woke up and checked on it, it said it's mood was happy.
      • medicdude

        medicdude Intergalactic Tourist

        I'm inclined to suggest that animal mood is scrapped altogether, and everything is re-worked into animal friendship values. A comparison to yesterday's friendship could be used as a daily 'mood-like' alternative, and still display all of the negative status effects from animal being left outside, not fed, etc.

        It just seems like the mood system adds an additional layer of complication that is not necessary for any in-game features right now.
          Last edited: Dec 29, 2017

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