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Bug/Issue PC disappears upon entering farm

Discussion in 'Support' started by Desida, Aug 3, 2017.

  1. Desida

    Desida Space Hobo

    Downloaded additional mods earlier and now whenever I enter my farm from any point that isn't the house my character is invisible. Sometimes I can move, sometimes I can't. Really not the most fun in all honesty. Mod links will be posted.
    It's been a long day so I'm not sure if this list includes every mod I've installed today. Hoping there is something known about this, couldn't find anything anywhere. It's very likely that I messed something up and need to clean my Stardew but... too many mods and I don't want to do that.

      Attached Files:

    • Ladysarajane

      Ladysarajane Existential Complex

      My first thought on this, is that it is the mod extended minecarts causing this. It really isn't compatible with the latest Smapi update and the mod will not be updated until after Smapi 2.0 comes out and Entoarox Framework and Advance location loader mod (ALL us required for extended minecarts) is updated with it. Hard to tell without the log what is going on. You might want to post this on the Mod section of the forum with the log if removing extended minecraft doesn't work. It may be also be an XNB mod that is not updated for your current version of Stardew Valley. In that case, if you use Steam, check file integrity and check the XNB mod to see if it is for your version of Stardew Valley.
      • Desida

        Desida Space Hobo

        So firstly, thanks for pointing out that this wasn't in mods. I posted this after a day of ??? and my brain doesn't work the best without any further help (also literally made this account on the day I posted this). So yeah, that. Also to update: Removed minecarts and checked integrity. Problem is still persisting. Read your post a second time, going to look at this advanced location loader, never heard of it before and it seems kinda useful. If that's not a thing that works, I'll begin the process of systematically removing mods and we'll just see what happens.
        Oh and also, no idea how to get logs in all honesty, really somewhat of a noob to the game in general for the most part.

        Thank you so much for the reply though! Honestly wasn't expecting something so extensive and helpful :D
        • Desida

          Desida Space Hobo


            Attached Files:

          • Borodin

            Borodin Oxygen Tank

            A rule of thumb I applied in Morrowind was that if something went very wrong, I removed half the mods in use. If the problem went away, I restored half of those. If the problem persisted, I removed another half of the mods remaining. You might want to try that to narrow down the problem. Best of luck.
            • Ladysarajane

              Ladysarajane Existential Complex

              I'm pretty sure your problems are due to version conflicts with mods. Entoarox Framework 1.79 has been reported buggy with the latest Smapi release and he is delaying fixing it until Smapi 2.0 is released. Go to your File explorer and type in %appdata%/stardewvalley/errorlogs . It should bring up a file that has logs in there. Attach the Smapi one to a post. Someone might be able to spot a conflict with the mods with the log, that I might not see. Logs really do help especially with so many updates to mods floating around.

              After thinking about it, I think I was confusing Extended minecarts as needing the ALL mod. I use the ALL mod to help with the More Pets mod, but I use Extended Minecarts also. I have gone on Hiatus playing for a bit until Smapi 2.0 is released and my other mods are updated to use 2.0
              • Desida

                Desida Space Hobo

                Thanks for the help! I'll rollback and delete the mods I got additionally. If I were not able to get into my mushroom cave or something then it would be fine but sometimes you just need to get into your farm. Anywho, thanks again goes to you two who replied. Guess we're sitting and watching for that update.

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