OOC P: (Hello_World)

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Mercenary Lord, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Shadow|

    Shadow| The Number of the Minibeast


  2. Shadow|

    Shadow| The Number of the Minibeast

    Don't act so horrified, that just means that I want in. :rolleyes:
  3. Lol that's fine
  4. 12 apps so far, wheeeee
  5. Lucama221

    Lucama221 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I am working to get mine up.
  6. Shadow|

    Shadow| The Number of the Minibeast

    Here we are!

    Name: Marian (Mar-Ee-Ann) Hunter (Hun-Ter)

    Age: 29

    Appearance: Marian is currently decked out in leather armour somewhat similar to the picture; except that it lacks a hood. She has dark brown hair that barely goes past her shoulders, and is tied into a braid. Blue eyes, quite tan. 5'10'', right arm is very slightly more muscular than her left due to using her bow. Carries a small knife/dagger on her hip, but her main weapon is a bladed bow which she keeps on her torso.
    10 Marian Hunter.png

    I imagine my 'bladed bow' would look somewhat like that. At least now you know what I mean a little better if I 'slash something with my bow' now

    Personality: Seems to be quite cheerful at first glance, but a bit deeper she is quite bitter about her past. Similarly she seems to be friendly, but is actually slow to truly trust someone. Neutral Good alignment I think.

    History: Born in Edyn to a loving mother, but as soon as she realised her child was growing unusually slowly. Marian's mother took her and fled the country, and her husband, not wanting her child to be killed for any physical deficiencies, but she quickly realised how unprepared she was to live in a land where she wasn't provided for by the state. Eventually the pair were found by a band of rangers from Ohlis, but Marian's mother died soon after due to the rigors of having lived in the wild.

    Marian herself was raised by the rangers who found her mother and learnt a great deal about survival in the wilderness along with the use of a bow and arrow. Around the age of 15, Marian left the care of her surrogate family and went out to make her own way in the world. Working mostly as a mercenary, she earned enough money to make her way in the various countries she roamed, while avoiding jobs that went against her morals.

    Over the years her skills as an archer improved, as did her ability to sneak past patrols. While not overly well known as a mercenary, she continued to take on the occasional job. Occasionally Marian would interrupt the plans of bandits, slavers and other unsavoury type; Usually when she found some kind of events going on. Marian had travelled across multiple nations over the years, and gained a few connections here and there. Recently she's been hearing a lot of talk about some mysterious... things happening in Ohlis. As such she has found herself travelling back towards there from the outskirts of Fortis, crossing the Mertac colony.

    (On a sidenote, it turns out that Marian is actually infertile due to some complication of her Mother's pregnancy: Her ovaries never fully developed. As such she never began menstruating and is generally underdeveloped in other areas. This was not the cause for her slow growth as an infant, but she would have eventually been killed if she had stayed in Edyn.)

    Affiliation: Marian is on mostly friendly terms with most of the nations, but does not actively associate with any of them bar maybe Ohlis. She generally tries to avoid contracts where she ends up doing a job against a nation.

    Active exceptions are:

    Ohlis: As said. She has a theoretical alliance to one of the military branches through her affiliation with prev. mentioned rangers.
    Edyn: Marian does not believe in the claims of the Godsouls, and generally tries to avoid her place of birth; seeing it as the main reason her Mother died.
    Aulm: Marian tries to avoid entering Aulm's territories when possible due to the strength and size of it's military. She doesn't know the Nations position of mercenaries, but feels it might be rather negative.

  7. Two things right off the bat.

    A: There's no need for a spoiler, yo
    B: The blue text is not a thing I'd like in the actual IC.

    As for the rest, I haven't read it yet
    Draken09 likes this.
  8. Meow-kitty

    Meow-kitty Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm going to reserve a slot while I brainstorm for my dude.
  9. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    A second female character. A long time it took.
  10. Lucama221

    Lucama221 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ;-; I am making a female character too. Love me! (jk)
    Roxie Stables, nababoo, Torol and 2 others like this.
  11. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    We alredy got Alaizia as a damsel in distress.
    Action girl character go!
    nababoo likes this.
  12. Lucama221

    Lucama221 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    She's a merchant, though she does have a secret. ;)
    nababoo likes this.
  13. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Also i derped. didnt notice ziberoo made a female character before you :rofl:
  14. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    Character Sheet
    Name: Kalissa Nightfire

    Age: 17

    Appearance: Dark black hair, cut short, kept slightly spiked in the back and parted in the front with medium-length bangs.
    Her skin is relatively pale, and she has light blue eyes.
    She wears a dark cloak with a hood. Under the cloak is worn a simple cloth tunic and and pants, with a black pair of gloves and a shoulder-slung pouch.

    Generally is nice to those she meets, Kalissa is a cheerful person, always working to make the best of the situations she gets into.
    However, she doesn't know that many people, due to her drifting lifestyle.
    Kalissa often acts reckless and impulsively, making up 'plans' as she goes for whatever she is doing and often doesn't consider the consequences of her actions.

    Growing up in a small town in Ohlis, Kalissa was rendered without a home amongst the chaos and fighting in the country. She drifts town to town, having learned to pick pockets and steal as a way to stay alive. Sticking to the shadows when possible, Kalissa tries to not draw attention to herself, hoping to stay unnoticed when she can. She takes advantage of the battles and chaos of the country, sometimes sneaking into places while the occupants are busy fighting, or otherwise distracted. While curious of the rumored 'magic' in the country, she is not searching for it, much preferring to simply stay out of conflicts and encounters with others who might be searching.​

    This is my application to the RP, it sounds like an interesting concept and I can't wait to see how it turns out!
    Blackleaf likes this.
  15. There aren't really any slots right now, just a matter of 'making a character and setting it down'. Basically, there's no need to reserve a slot, just take some time and make it good.

    blah blah yadda yadda etc
  16. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    I can vouch for brite being a pretty damn good roleplaydr :D
  17. Again, y u spoilering

    also, it's kind of basic, just from a glance

    but w/e
  18. jbg00g

    jbg00g Pangalactic Porcupine

    Shadow, what is your avatar from? Or if you made it, did you make it on a website?
  19. Lucama221

    Lucama221 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    MAH CS
    Mertisha "Gold-bringer" Regalia​
    The first thing that is usually noticed about Mertisha are her near golden eyes which seems to light up her face and give it a youthful look. She has shoulder-length, blonde locks that seem to flow down like a cascade of gold. Surrounded by her hair is a fair face, with prominent but very feminine features. Her body is slight and short, around 5'4", with no real curves and an almost flat chest. She dresses mostly in long summer dresses, with a fox-fur coat when travelling in cold regions.​
    Mertisha is a very charismatic person, said to be ale to charm "the gold off others". It is a skill she puts to good use as a Mertan trader. Despite her charismatic personality she has a deep sense of fairness when trading, and never tries to charge too much, only to make a profit to appease her father. When trading she seems to slip into a hardened, but happy and calm demeanor, and when not in a trade situation her happiness, still calm, is less tempered by her professionalism.​
    Born to a Mertan family in one of the many Mertac colonies in Europe, more accurately a port in the Normad area (currently Northern France, Calais). Being a born Mertan she was taught the trade of her family, appraising and selling jewelry. Due to the dangers of transporting something so expensive she was also taught fencing by her mother. Upon coming of age, 16, her father began to send her out on deliveries and trade missions and her mother gave her the family rapier. Her talent for trade and swordwomanship became apparent, and her father trusted her with longer and more difficult missions. Once during a particularly trip to Bretaim the civil war between the Normad and Freka heated up, and her parents were caught in the fighting. Deciding it to be too dangerous there she decided to take the family business and move it to the 'homeland' of Mertac.​

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