OOC P: (Hello_World)

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Mercenary Lord, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Lucama221

    Lucama221 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That is god damn right, ere you from en?
  2. ziberoo

    ziberoo Spaceman Spiff

    From the Rhondda, I am.
  3. Lucama221

    Lucama221 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ya blody sonuva coalminer. Yer a cheeky one, I culd learn ta like you.
  4. ziberoo

    ziberoo Spaceman Spiff

    Ey butty. Coal minin' is a serious art.
  5. Calm down, people. Lets not flood the OOC with RPing

    Don't make me grumps
  6. Lucama221

    Lucama221 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yea right, and Im the fucken queen.
  7. Lucama221

    Lucama221 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You're always grumps, shut te fuck up.
  8. Unit 06

    Unit 06 Big Damn Hero

    I'm sorry. It was too tempting.
  9. Draken09

    Draken09 Black Hole Surfer

    So, Merc, any estimate of when selection will begin?

    Also, I think it would be a crime against humanity to not follow through with this RP now!
  10. No idea

  11. ziberoo

    ziberoo Spaceman Spiff

    What is the nation that was once America called? Furthermore, what is europe, asia, etc now called?
  12. The continents are the same, lol

    Only the divisions of th continents have differed
    ziberoo likes this.
  13. Unit 06

    Unit 06 Big Damn Hero

    Britope, Britasia, Briterica. :proper:
  14. Ysbry

    Ysbry Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ugh, alerts.

    I'm still here, for the record.
  15. Draken09

    Draken09 Black Hole Surfer

    Always click every notification and there shouldn't be a problem.
    Unit 06 likes this.
  16. ziberoo

    ziberoo Spaceman Spiff

    Are the literacy levels medieval-like too? I would assume so.
  17. Character Sheet
    Name: Whitaker Strivel

    Age: 24

    Appearance: Described by some as in the flower of his youth, his golden hair captures the sunlight and forces the light to hang around the head in a halo, as is proper Aulm tradition. However, a closer inspection will cast aside most impressions about this individual, and allow them to see the being underneath: a god an adventure-seeking and brash individual.

    Muscles, strong and worn from their journeys across Ohlis and northern Ichtha, accompany a rugged look, one of photogenic appeal. Supple and strong are his limbs, and he carries himself with an air of confidence, one born from a lifetime of dealing and trading.

    Personality: Strivel revels in making the individuals around him laugh. “A pure joy to be such a social creature,” he describes himself to his friends. He doesn’t seek too much in life -- a cozy, thatched cottage, a polished violin, and a nice spear to skewer any ruffians who would take the previous away.

    Another striking feature of the specimen is his capacity for humour. Every situation can become hilarious, or every losing move an ‘interesting’ one. Over the years, he’s trained it to his advantage. Quite often he uses his seemingly mindless drivel-laugh to point out embarrassing issues, with no social repercussions. Perhaps he’s now taking it too far, and enjoying watching others’ expectations disappear before this man.

    A hardworking individual altogether, although he does like his food and pleasures a bit too much; frequently he loses his mind regarding such matters and falls into the pit of unrestrained surfeit.

    History: Born and raised in an elevated family of the Aulm community he was in, expectations were high for him. Large numbers of soldiers to be under his command, their own “Whitaker-boy” growing up to become a tactical genius. All fine and well, but he took the first opportunity he could to skip on such opportunities and instead go trading and dealing in conniving activities with merchants from Mertac.

    Eventually, after despairing his parents, he took it upon himself to redeem their trust. With a sword and a metaphorical book on bushido, he proceeded to venture out and search his fortune for himself.

    For a time he joined some diplomatic parties and engaged in low-level talks between Aulm and Ichtha, but the practice grew dull after several years, and after hearing enticing rumours of mystical entities emerging from the Ohlis foothills, he set off, well-learned and with a violin instead of a blade at his foremost side.
    Unit 06 likes this.
  18. Spell ichtha right you twit

  19. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Same here.
  20. ziberoo

    ziberoo Spaceman Spiff

    Name: Arianwen ferch Dewi(Eng; Arianwen daughter of David)
    Age: 19
    Appearance: Arianwen has short brown hair, and brown eyes. She wears a long-sleeved cloth tunic which comes down to her knees, with trousers underneath. It is tied at the waist by a leather belt. On the belt are a few small pouches, containing pencils and ink. On the right, there is a scabbard that holds a shortsword. On the left is a cylindrical casket that holds paper. Over this she wears a woolen hooded cloak, fastened at the neck with a torc.
    Personality: Arianwen is highly curious, and is often found asking questions. She is friendly and outgoing, if a bit naive. She finds it hard to remember that not everyone can read. Left handed.
    History: Arianwen was born in a Mertan Colony in Britain. Her father was a scribe, but her mother died during childbirth. Her father taught her to read and write, but she soon discovered another use for the pencil; she became an avid artist at an early age, drawing whenever she could. At the age of thirteen, her father took her with him to many places as an apprentice, and with him she learned of the world.
    When she became of age, she set out on her own. Like her father, she became a scribe. However, not content with simple document keeping, she decided to travel the world, and go to the places her father had spoken of. She decided to seek out the wonders of these places, and document them. Then, she would return to her home with many tales of her adventures.
    At the age of eighteen, she heard word of Ichtha, a naval region to the west. Word was that their vessels were faster than any. Smelling adventure, she decided to go there. If the rumors were true, then she would have something to add to the records. Were they false, at least she would be able to visit the americas. She found an outgoing vessel and hitched a ride to Ichtha. She arrived at an Ichtan port after six long weeks.
    Before she even left the ship she was bombarded with sights. Filling the port there was many ships of different shapes and sizes. She asked around the port, and the people there told her of master shipbuilders whose ships were able to cross the Atlantic twice in the time it took a lesser boat to do it once. In search of these ships, she travelled north. When she found an example of the mighty craftsmanship, she drew diagrams, wrote dimensions, and gleaned all information she could from the builders, much to their annoyance.
    Afterwards, she travelled further north, to the closest Mertan colony. She submitted her notes to a courier there, to be sent to the Scribe’s Guild’s records. She stayed there for a few months, and celebrated her birthday, the first away from home. She did work there for merchants, but always had an ear open for anything to look into. Eventually, a courier returned with a letter from her father, telling her of Ohlis, and how she should check on the blacksmiths there. Backing her bags, she set once more to the south.
    She was not far into Ohlis before she heard the tales of a magical place to the north-west. Completely forgetting about the smiths, she altered her course directly to looking for the rumoured location.

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