OOC P: (Hello_World)

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Mercenary Lord, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Ikbenbeter

    Ikbenbeter Pangalactic Porcupine

    Name: Boris Dima​
    Age: 27​
    Appearance: A strong and large man, Boris towers over most others and leaves everybody he meets with a unique impression. His skin is light and he hasn't gotten much sun in his home, but he's burned his wrists from the American sun. His beard is growing out chaotically since he hasn't had time or equipment to shave, otherwise he would trim his beard. His eyes are bright blue and seem a little small in comparison to the rest of his face, and he never opens them wide unless he is very shocked. Boris' hair is quite long and dark brown, but not as messy or chaotic as his beard, which is a slightly lighter shade of brown.​
    Boris dresses in long coats in many colors. He is currently wearing a custom tailored, brown one made from fur, although it is a few years old and definitely not spot- or scratchless. He has done his best to keep it clear, though. Under that coat, he currently wears a white overshirt, but it is cheap and has taken a lot more damage than the coat, curiously enough. Boris' black trousers are in a lot better shape, but also not spotless. They are more expensive than his overshirt and more recent than his coat. He also wears boots.​
    Boris has a spear with a sharp tip he keeps with him on his back. While having enough muscle by himself, this spear increases his warrior imago. The spear is simple and functional, has no decoration or even paint and a really sharp tip. Boris can hunt with it quite well, and sometimes does for Feliks.​
    Feliks is his pet cat he keeps around in a pocket of his coat. Boris loves the thing to death, and it seems to love him back and stay with him at all times. The cat is small and on the thin side, but it's fur almost shines in its beautiful black. Feliks is a little over 6 years old and a female. Boris is unaware of both of these things and picked it up in America.​
    Personality: Boris has a strong feeling of honor and a tactical mind, but he's bad at judging others. Not naive per se, just a bit stupid. While he is great at commanding troops and fighting, he is bad at about every school of science and worse at everything else that isn't history. He is very kind to animals though, and is a vegetarian if he has the luxury of choosing. He will say a little prayer to his ancestors if he can't choose.​
    History: Boris was a successful commander in his motherland. He came from a family of leaders, and his linage is well-respected. This also made him a lot of enemies: especially his brother, who never was good at fighting but a great scientist, and thus not respected by his family. Boris never noticed the evil in him, and always was kind to his brother, defending him verbally against his parents if they got angry at the peaceful brother. In an unsurprising turn of events, this only increased the anger of his brother against him.​
    His brother never had any opportunity to strike at Boris until Boris got sick. There was a cure, but it was made from an illegal poison and unacquirable by legal means. Boris was able to get it through a shady deal, but his brother found out and 'accidentally' exposed the poor Boris, who never saw it coming and still doesn't blame him. Boris was pressured by political enemies to leave the motherland, but could probably have stayed. His brother bought him a ticked on a boat straight to North America, though. His brother died a week later, from the same illness, unable to buy the same poison his brother could have obtained for him.​
    In America, Boris couldn't get a job or footing. He was down, and couldn't find food. During that time, a street cat took a shine to him. The cat brought him fish when he couldn't get up, and saved his life. Boris cherished the cat and brought it food when he got over his troubles. They are inseparable now. Boris found a job as a ring fighter and later as a mercenary. He was send to Ohio to attack a group of soldiers, but got separated from his group. Boris still hopes to redeem himself by making a name and becoming a proper soldier.​

    Draken09 likes this.
  2. Here we have the first look at the main area of the Offline World. New boundaries have been drawn, of course, an different cultures have arisen. More to come when I have time, including actual names.

  3. Better map, woo.


    I'll type up some of the lore info soon-ish.
  4. Exodus

    Exodus Space Kumquat

    Woo! Hell yeah for East-coast!
  6. Torang12

    Torang12 Phantasmal Quasar

    ;n; Florida devoured the Chesapeake.
  7. Exodus

    Exodus Space Kumquat

    To be fair, Floridians tend to devour anything relatively edible.
    Especially those in Miami.
    Lucama221 and Blackleaf like this.
  8. Draken09

    Draken09 Black Hole Surfer

    Southern California feels unappreciated.
  9. Gandalf

    Gandalf Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The OOC deviation has begun.
    m0k0n4, Torol, Draken09 and 1 other person like this.
  10. Ikbenbeter

    Ikbenbeter Pangalactic Porcupine

    Europe feels unappreciated
  11. Exodus

    Exodus Space Kumquat

    It is.
    Blackleaf likes this.
  12. Draken, California is, in this time, the 'mainland' of Mertac, the most economically powerful nation on the globe. They spread pretty much everywhere, although the colony show is their second biggest plot of land.

    More on these countries to come, never fear.

    Europe will have it's place too, soon. I think. Idk
    nababoo and Draken09 like this.
  13. Draken09

    Draken09 Black Hole Surfer

    So... Any islands get destroyed in the First Fall?
  14. I'll answer that soon.

    In other news, Aulm and Edyn have been lore-ified in the OP. Go lookit

    More to come later.
    Ikbenbeter and Draken09 like this.
  15. Draken09

    Draken09 Black Hole Surfer

    I read them aloud, and now I want to do a narration of cannon stuff... I think I will. (The music in the OP sure helped!)
  16. Unit 06

    Unit 06 Big Damn Hero

    I hope England is still around... Y'know...
  17. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Merc said that travel across the atlantic takes a month.
    England might be a tradepost considering how its positioned?
  18. I'm not sure how England would work. We'll see.

    In other news, Fortis is now loreified. I think they're pretty awesome. :3
  19. ziberoo

    ziberoo Spaceman Spiff

    Wales was always big with ports. England slightly less so.
  20. Unit 06

    Unit 06 Big Damn Hero

    England was more about colonizing everything...

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