OOC P: (Hello_World)

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Mercenary Lord, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Unit 06

    Unit 06 Big Damn Hero

    That sounds like the most ridiculous background I've ever heard, Ziberoo...

    :DD Tell me more!
    Shadow| likes this.
  2. Lucama221

    Lucama221 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It is a pretty thickly woven plot.
  3. ziberoo

    ziberoo Spaceman Spiff

    You have to give me the character though. Can't create backstory without a character.
  4. Celestial

    Celestial Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Character Sheet
    Name: Ashe Nostra Ramanas (Ashe 'daughter of' Ramanas)

    Age: 27




    Ashe is on the average end of her people standing just about 5’7”. She wears the Seeker’s traditional black and grey outfit with fur linings wrapped around them to brave the cold Northern Winters. She carries a traditional Northern bow and crescent dagger.


    Quiet, inquisitive, and cautious of everyone she has yet to get to know. Ashe is a woman of many words, yet she chooses when to release said words. Though quick to speak to resolve disputes, lessons from her homeland have granted her a ruthless attitude, which delivers little conscience for when her moon-shaped dagger or other weapons at her disposal.


    Originally part of Fortis’s prized Beligrant near the capitol, Ashe committed to the lonesome path of the seekers, those who roam the post apocalyptic landscapes of their country and beyond. Being a seeker, Ashe has traveled to neighboring countries where the dogma she learned at Beligrant mixed with her initiative has propelled her to spy amongst the kingdom and return it to their leader upon her return. Though no exact timeline exists, time, as was stressed, was the commodity, which there were not to waste. With this, she blends into other countries, assimilating whatever fits the role she needs to assume.

    Like many of her kinsman, the warrior aspect called to her. Though men held more presence than women, that never stopped her from joining their ranks. From her time in the Fortisian Beligrant system, she became proficient with the bow and close blade work. Survival and tracking was a given given her people’s nature. Though they were indeed the smallest country, Fortisians were known for their individual fighters versus Aulm’s daunting legions.

    Ashe continues to follow her people’s nomadic spirit. Visiting most of the neighboring countries—save for Aulm due to more extraordinary restrictions—she has vied to stay away for now. While the paved road was always comforting to the weary traveller, Ashe has ventured beyond the charted maps numerous times. She witnessed the nightmarish beasts that roam freely, dealt with bandits and outcasts who did not fit in with society, and even discovered artifacts that predate their current time. All the information gathered from her outings would no doubt prove advantageous to her people. It was this very idea, which has charted her path towards Northeastern Ohio.


    Here's my CS Merc. I'll edit later when I'm less tired. (It's midnight over here!) If you see anything you want changed, please do tell me. Tried to work with the lore and opening while adding some minute cultural points into Fortis. Let me know if I overstepped my bounds there.
  5. Draken09

    Draken09 Black Hole Surfer

    Well, it's practically Saturday now! Prepare for CS closing!
    Alaizia Darkstar likes this.
  6. Shadow|

    Shadow| The Number of the Minibeast

    I love you... Thank you forever for applying to this thread as Thieves-Guild-Nightingale-Lara-Croft-who-is-actually-neither. You have made my day! And maybe my week!
  7. I rolled my eyes at the pics.
  8. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Sorry Celestial but i think applications closed litterarly 2 hours before you posted.
    We will see what the merc lord thinks.
    Alaizia Darkstar likes this.

    uuuh, hope that wasn't rude.
  10. Lucama221

    Lucama221 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    As far as I understand time zones, which I don't very well, I think it was still friday Merc's time when this was posted.
  11. King Toad

    King Toad Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm fairly certain it was 1 AM Merc's time when it was posted
  12. Lucama221

    Lucama221 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    As was said, my grasp of timezones is shit.
  13. Draken09

    Draken09 Black Hole Surfer

    I think the start of Saturday is more along the lines of "when Merc wakes up."
    Ikbenbeter and Alaizia Darkstar like this.
  14. good morning

    CS shit is closed kthx

    everyone who has applied thus far will have their CS evaluated by the equation I made

    now stop arguing about timezones

    I really hope my sheet is ok.
  16. Shadow|

    Shadow| The Number of the Minibeast

    There's an equation? That one can use to analyse how good a CS is? I'm bewildered, and curious. May I see it?
  17. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Alright so im kicked for the second time. See ya guys.
  18. I made it. Yesterday. And I might post it. But the variables are a secret.

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