OOC P: (Hello_World)

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Mercenary Lord, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Lucama221

    Lucama221 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    BTW, I was just kidding.
  2. Unit 06

    Unit 06 Big Damn Hero

    Batman doesn't exist, don't be silly... :yeahhhh:
  3. ziberoo

    ziberoo Spaceman Spiff

    That's what he wants you to think.
    nababoo likes this.
  4. Celestial

    Celestial Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wow ... there's a lot of stuff to catch up on in here ...

    Anyways, I'll submit an application soonish Merc!
  5. Mk, as long as soonish is before like, Saturday.

    I just don't want to stall before we even begin.
    nababoo likes this.
  6. As for another question regarding the lore, how well-developed are the "wastelands", so as to say, those areas devoid of civilization? Medieval? Primeval? Apes?
  7. idk

    I'll get to that tomorrow.
  8. Palladion

    Palladion Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hi guuuys!!!! FINALLY putting in my application for this RP since it looks totes rad, and also a little Mercenary Lord enjoyed talking to me about it. :catface2: So.. yeah!!! Here. ~everyone is chased away from the rp due to the major snowflakeyness and pretentiousness~

    Name: Cameryn Praysky (Cah-Meh-Rin Prey-Skee)

    Age: 27

    Appearance: A slender woman garbed with platinum-colored armor embedded with inscribed writings, equipped with a barbuta helmet which obscures the mouth. Protruding from the back of the head guard is a mass of navy blue fluff flowing down to the center of her back. Under such is a pale and tall body due to wearing her armor constantly in the outdoors. Cameryn has a mass of strawberry blonde hair, usually bundled together into a wavy ponytail. Her eyes are a bright sapphire blue, but her face's most prominent feature is the large scar positioned in a diagonal fashion, taking up her whole face itself.

    Personality: Usually, Cameryn is quiet and stoic. However, she is also usually withdrawn and stern most of the time, making socialization slightly difficult with her. Along with such, the knight carries the burden of a hot temper, causing battle to become horrifying as she goes into sporadic rage among her brethren and enemies due to the many scars by her history. However, as she carries all these frightening and negative traits, Cameryn can be one of the most wisest as she experienced much in her life.

    History: Clad in armor, ready for battle, frenzied by justice. Cameryn was just a teenager when it had all began, neglecting and putting off her severe training as she lived in Fortis. Instead, she had been enjoying the relaxation in life, not having to worry about a thing in blissful ignorance even with the post-apocalyptic times. "It was best to keep your head up in the darkest of times," Cameryn soliloquized with high hopes. Her family was doing all the fighting, there wasn't really a purpose in attempting to support a family that'd survive for time immemorial. Thus, the woman just laid back and enjoyed the luxuries of her family, being rich, privileged, and quickly scaling the mountain of fierce clans and guilds. It was amazing.

    Until one day. Her own brother had sold himself to a rivaling family. The reasons were mysterious and unknown, but it had been done discreetly-- until her own mother, the leader, was killed just by him. Horrified, Cameryn attempted to fight back, but due to neglecting her duties as a soldier, such had failed. As a result, her brother slashed her face in a diagonal fashion and had demolished half of the family with the opposing team being on his side. Flames scaled to greater heights, headquarters breaking down in all the chaos, hysteria sparked in Cameryn's mind as she was scarred by such a tragedy. She had then collapsed in the middle of the battlefield.

    Cameryn woke up. It was.. all a dream, right? She had woken up in the orphanage, run by delicate and soft elders who took her in. How did she even survive such an incident? However, no longer did she rest upon a luxurious footstool embedded with jewels, combing her hair. No longer did she wear dresses of blue velvet, dark as the night sky. No longer did she have her parents. A spark of vengeance flashed in her eyes. "In the darkest times, destroy the causes of the dark," She soliloquized. Cameryn would avenge her family, and with lance in hand, would slash away with the utmost ambition and strength to avenge her fallen family. It would be this time, where as the lone survivor, she'd redeem herself to the souls of her ancestors and relatives.
  9. I will need a last name, for continuity's sake. Just sayin lol
  10. ziberoo

    ziberoo Spaceman Spiff

    Well you haven't established what any of the places use for second name purposes.

    Having said that, Palladion didn't say where the character is from, as far as I can see.
  11. I see all I need but a last name. In that sense, there isn't much to say. Fortisian names are elegant and powerful, Aulman are short and militaristic, and the rest are pretty all over the place.
  12. Shadow|

    Shadow| The Number of the Minibeast

    Is it ok if I forgo that, as my person was orphaned as a baby, and is a wanderer despite being born in Edyn/brought up in Ohlis.
  13. I still need something besides a first name. Noname is a last name. :/
  14. Shadow|

    Shadow| The Number of the Minibeast

    Eh, I'm just lazy. I'll think something up... Actually...

    Marian Hunter. Sorted. I said I was lazy.

    Edit: Also, what's with the forum messing with my spoilers and putting spoilers next to my spoilers! It's annoyingly splitting up my pictures and my expositional text and just replaces it if I try and edit it out! :facepalm:
  15. ziberoo

    ziberoo Spaceman Spiff

    Alternatively, an orphan would probably have a bastard name.

    Depending on where the orphanage place was, hunter may actually be apt.
  16. Unit 06

    Unit 06 Big Damn Hero

    You know nothing, Jon Snow...
  17. Shadow|

    Shadow| The Number of the Minibeast

    Actually what I'm going with is the old tradition of naming a family after it's profession, like a family of blacksmith's being called Smith, or potters being called Potter. How I'd best describe Marian's profession (other than mercenary) would be ranger or hunter. And since she (and that band of rangers who raised her) doesn't know what profession/family name her family had: Hunter fits well enough.
    Draken09 and ziberoo like this.
  18. Palladion

    Palladion Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Okaaaay! Sorry. I will change it totes posthaste. I actually forgot to put it in since I skipped it, even though I reviewed it so many times omg.
  19. Lucama221

    Lucama221 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That's why Mertisha is called Regalia, it's another word for jewelry.

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