OOC P: (Hello_World)

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Mercenary Lord, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. I'm thinking I'll close the application process this weekend, at the very latest. So everyone has until then to either apply or revise their characters.

    *frolics away*
    Draken09 likes this.
  2. Draken09

    Draken09 Black Hole Surfer

    Last post I saw before I messed up my alerts.
    nababoo likes this.
  3. These characters are shaping up nicely.
    Draken09 and Alaizia Darkstar like this.
  4. even mine ? :D
    nababoo likes this.
  5. Backline people always seem to be a deficient commodity.
  6. :rofl: im always backline....wait ? do you mean that in a good way ?
  7. Roleplays quite often need balance in the character content.

    And I seem to be very into terse simple sentences at the moment.
    Alaizia Darkstar likes this.
  8. If those are short, them I'm a bagel.
  9. yeah, thats true.
  11. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Im remaking my Bio from scratch.
    Name: Samuel Blackleaf ( Often called Sam )

    Age: 17

    He's got rather messy red hair that's a bit long but not all the way down to the shoulders or really past the ears.
    Sam's got a pretty basic build with nothing special. He often wears a black jacket on top of a red shirt. He also wears dark blue jeans and dark brown/almost black shoes.
    As for features, He's got blue eyes and is a bit above average when it comes to lenght.
    For weaponry he carries a simple Ichthan blade. Altough im planning on gearing him up with some more advanced stuff when we find the Chamber.

    Personality: Sam is a caucious and observant person. He's a bit... " Different " from others that he grew up with.
    He was never really interested in the sea or fishing, Being more interested in the old world.
    A interesting fact is that his name is not a real one. After the fall alot of ancient thought such as shunning outsiders reappeared. Foreigners or Immigrants often changed their name. Thus his old name was lost and the name Blackleaf was taken instead.
    Samuel is a very anti social person. Not the kind who whould ever talk to anyone without a reason.
    He's more concerned with his personal plans and lacks a bit of empathy and sympathy.
    However he's not just a wierd loner. To the people he knows and trusts he's a friendly companion.
    It's also worth noting that while a skilled fighter he doesn't resort to violence very often. He prefers using intelligence and understanding before resorting to bloodshed. Altough he has a very short temper wich can easily anger him.
    He's highly cynical and often bad at understanding people. He often cant tell if something a person means was meant as a compliment or an insult so he often simply guesses it was the latter.
    ( I whould like to point out i suffer from Asperger's and so does my character. I cant write anything other than characters like this really :/ )
    But again he isn't entirely anti social or anything. He never leaves behind a person he trusts and is always quite determined to finish what he's started.
    One final thing worth mentioning is that while his skills seem to be in fighting and observation he has experience in deceiving.
    He is the sort of person who whould rather do something for the idea rather than the rewards.

    Samuel grew up in a small Itchan fishing village. He never really had any interest in Ichthan culture or traditions.
    He ignored his parents and those of his age and prefered to spend time with his grandfather instead.
    Sam quickly obtained an interest in the old world from before the Fall. He started to study different left over writings or relics.
    When he was 12 however his mother died. After that he had to begin working togheter with his father.
    He kept studying the old world however and neglected most other things. He only really showed interest in things that he had a motivation to learn: History,Writing,Swordfighting,Etc.

    When he was at the age of 15 he started having trouble getting along with the others. His village regarded him as useless and wanted people who whould work, not study. At the same time his grandfather grew sick, leaving Sam unable to visit him.
    In the fall the same year he turned 16 his grandfather died.
    Samuel was now determined to resolve something, His grandfather was an avid explorer and had heard rumors and stories of the legendary Magic in Ohlis. Too old to travel north and now dead he never got to find out if it was real or not.
    In the village things were not going very well for Sam. He made a snap decision to pack his things up and leave, He was probaly gonna get banished anyway.
    He then headed north to find this legendary magic. Both he and his grandfather thought it could be the key to finding out more about the old world.
    And needless to say, It will.
    Half a year later after long travels across the continent hes finaly arrived at the border of Ohlis.

    (( Yes this backstory is CLICHE as hell. Im sorry :C ))
  12. Shadow|

    Shadow| The Number of the Minibeast

    Quickly! Change all your typos of Ichtha! Before he gets mad and smites you :fireball:
    Ikbenbeter likes this.
  13. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

  14. *smites*
    m0k0n4 and Ikbenbeter like this.
  15. ziberoo

    ziberoo Spaceman Spiff

  16. Draken09

    Draken09 Black Hole Surfer

    Being held for ransom. However, he isn't showing any signs of actually wanting it back, so we'll see how that goes.
    Alaizia Darkstar likes this.
  17. Lucama221

    Lucama221 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  18. i feel nothing
  19. Torang12

    Torang12 Phantasmal Quasar

    He is.....Batman!

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