WIP Overgrown Farmhouse Asset Remix - Deluxe Coop Added

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by elyneara, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. Kappa-Slapper

    Kappa-Slapper Tentacle Wrangler

    Great! I'm so excited!
    • poprocks_and_coke

      poprocks_and_coke Void-Bound Voyager

      These are INCREDIBLE!!!! I'm in love <3
      • Miss-March

        Miss-March Void-Bound Voyager

        Oh, this looks absolutely gorgeous! I'm so glad to know that you'll be working on the other buildings as well. Would it be possible to get a version of the mushroom-less greenhouse without the grass at the bottom as well? Tiny nitpick about the grass not matching those on the terrain as the seasons pass. Same thing for the house as well, if you don't mind. I can just edit the house to not have a tree coming out of it by myself. Its the other changes I'm afraid I'd screw up.
        • dintern

          dintern Astral Cartographer

          Hey, just want to say that I love this mod! I also found a misalignment issue -- during the winter, the smoke doesn't come out of the chimney... The chimney is a little too much to the left.

            lannihamm likes this.
          • YukiTsukihana

            YukiTsukihana Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            Oooh, I can't wait to see what you do next~
            I'd love to see overgrown barns and a slime hutch!
            • Cemo

              Cemo Phantasmal Quasar

              Are you still working on this? This is my fave building retexture!
                eemie and Bepsi like this.
              • MetaSieg

                MetaSieg Phantasmal Quasar

                Please tell me your going to do the rest of the farm buildings. This is to good.
                • MoonlitBrenya

                  MoonlitBrenya Existential Complex

                  look like OP has been absent for a while, but maybe life throwing it's monkey wrenches. I love what I see so far, hope to see more in the future. gorgeous work, I really love it.
                  • staarfruit

                    staarfruit Pangalactic Porcupine

                    This looks amazing, thank you!
                    • C10H12N2O

                      C10H12N2O Void-Bound Voyager

                      I hope OP is okay/will come back someday. This is exactly what I was looking for! Gorgeous work.
                      • tj724

                        tj724 Guest

                        This is the exact look I'm wanting for my machine house! :) I hope you will consider making a Coop,Barn or Barn2 just like these.
                        • elyneara

                          elyneara Void-Bound Voyager

                          Fell off the face of the earth for a while due to work, I don't expect I will be back to this in the near future :( sorry everyone. If you guys want to take what I have made and use anything as a base for your own content feel free, post the results here! I'd love to be able to come back to this in a few months and see some cool stuff, haha :)
                            Bepsi and eemie like this.
                          • sari90

                            sari90 Void-Bound Voyager

                            These are such beautiful buildings. I hope you come back to them one day. Very beautiful.
                            • Crunchyleaf

                              Crunchyleaf Void-Bound Voyager

                              I made an edit and moved the chimney.

                                Attached Files:

                                GreenBliss and Oyhpur like this.
                              • Crunchyleaf

                                Crunchyleaf Void-Bound Voyager

                                Also if anyone wants to use this winter edit I made with the moved chimney, here it is:

                                  Attached Files:

                                  GreenBliss and Oyhpur like this.

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