Modding Help Overabundance of repetition

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Circuitbomb, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Circuitbomb

    Circuitbomb Phantasmal Quasar

    Alright so I'm hitting a bit of an annoyance here.

    The mod I'm working on adds posters to the game. My intention is to add sets of 10 posters, which follow either a common color scheme or look. I'd like to be able to put all the objects per set in a sprite sheet, use one .frame file, and hopefully one .object file instead of the same .frame file over and over for each poster, and only one recipe file for each set (because each item in a set has the same recipe). Is there a way to accomplish this?

    Thanks for any help.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
  2. Scootaloo

    Scootaloo Void-Bound Voyager

    Not completely sure if it would work, but it probably would use a similar system to the animation charts on assorted things like characters. They use a system where it has a coordinate that shows which part should be what, and I think you could use that to put a bunch of stuff together.
  3. Circuitbomb

    Circuitbomb Phantasmal Quasar

    Thanks for replying.

    Yea I gathered I could create a sprite sheet, and use the dimension and name fields in the frame file to determine the alternative images within a set, I'm just unaware of how to go about making each sprite within the sprite sheet craftable, without having a recipe file for each thing and adding a whole list of additional recipes to player.config. For example in some objects you have multiple sprites in a sprite sheet but each with different colors. In the frame file each color is defined in name (e.g. default, red, blue, green etc) and in the object file you have under orientation for the image something like
    "image" : "myobjectimage.png:<color>",
    So I guess I'm wondering if I can put multiple recipes within one recipe file like this
      "input" : [
        { "item" : "plantfibre", "count" : 5 },
        { "item" : "bluedye", "count" : 1}
      "output" : {
        "item" : "myobject", //or something like "item" : "myobject:<sprite2>",
        "framename" : "sprite2"
        "count" : 1
      "groups" : [ "mygroup", "materials", "all" ]
      "input" : [
        { "item" : "plantfibre", "count" : 5 },
        { "item" : "reddye", "count" : 1}
      "output" : {
        "item" : "myobject",
        "framename" : "sprite3"
        "count" : 1
      "groups" : [ "mygroup", "materials", "all" ]
    And then only define one recipe in player.config instead of 10

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