Outpost Art

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. Beatrice

    Beatrice Spaceman Spiff

    So... when will it be added?
  2. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Mmm I think its more likely based on the "Price" of the associated object file.
    So say having a Avian Temple Golden Statue would be worth more then an Impervium lamp.
    Kingpwn likes this.
  3. Tchud1

    Tchud1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yummy. I can't wait to build my mega-ghetto complex and fill it with Glitch and Florans. It would put the biggest and most notorious Chicago slums to shame.
  4. Phamwich

    Phamwich Void-Bound Voyager

    I hope a similar system will "check" a building to see whether or not it's airtight and completely protects against the elements. That way, we'd be able to set up bases in space or on moons that can provide air and warmth without needing survival packs or hundreds of campfires! And it'd also be neat to have real, working airlock systems.
    Blitzlegion likes this.
  5. Crabcakes

    Crabcakes Astral Cartographer

    An outpost would be a great place to... upgrade your ship....? :badpokerface:
    Blitzlegion likes this.
  6. UnluckyStorm

    UnluckyStorm Void-Bound Voyager

    "Here you’ll find all manner of npcs willing to buy your goods, give you quests and rent your properties."

    Elaborate maybe please?! Go on! My mind craves more depth!
    Such a tease...
  7. Ludovic

    Ludovic Giant Laser Beams

    I am curious, but how will transport of NPCs(that will rent our properties) be handled? Will it be like a shop where you pick NPCs which interests your for your settlement? And will you need to carry them in your ship to your settlement, or will they move there of their own(with or without a "drop beacon" required on your planet for them to land on).

    Or instead, will they not move from the planet, and it is us who will need to build constructions on the outpost planet?
  8. [pixelmonster]

    [pixelmonster] Big Damn Hero

    Looks great. Can't wait... Might also use that for a wallpaper... :D
  9. Bludwulf

    Bludwulf Aquatic Astronaut

    I'd like to see renting commercial properties in your base. So, If you want a doctor NPC, you would have to build a clinic and you could invest in the business by buying X-ray/ MRI machines to upgrade their capabilities. You could also do this with restaurants, clothing stores, blacksmith/ weapon shops. It would provide an alternative to all the tedious farming and mining, 'cause who wants to do that stuff anyway?
    [pixelmonster] and ihartsnape like this.
  10. Cuchilain

    Cuchilain Phantasmal Quasar

    I delight at every update to this game. Ive already sank 40 hours and i can sink hundreds more as the game grows.
  11. Kain21

    Kain21 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    OH MAN! Think of all the new decorations we can have for our futuristic bunkers!
  12. Luchóg

    Luchóg Sandwich Man

    Finally a place to sell stuff! And it's good to see there will be locations with some of every race living together peacefully. I also hope that the renting system will work with structures we build from scratch and not jus preset areas. Kind of like Minecraft where the villagers only consider places "livable" if they have a roof and walls, enough light, and a door; hopefully we will be able to do this for NPCs as long as certain aspects are met. I can not wait for this to be implemented along with quests. Nice work. :cookie:
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2014
  13. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    This looks awesome! Like others have said, it would be cool if you could upgrade your ship here. Also, it would be cool if there were race specific outposts as well, for example a friendly U.S.C.M base.
  14. Cell Materia

    Cell Materia Cosmic Narwhal

    aWWW YEAH NEW PLACES TO LOOT :saywhat::scissors:
    Liktorn and Hawk Novablast like this.
  15. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    so.... hubs. i do not like the concept. i see it killing exploration as guides pop up with coords to the "best" outposts. i am all for having settled planets, but this is having it all served up to you on a silver platter. the art is nice, yes.
  16. pop-yotheweird

    pop-yotheweird Ketchup Robot

    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  17. Sh0elace

    Sh0elace Phantasmal Quasar

    This looks awesome!
    I'm looking forward to the implementation of the outposts.
  18. pop-yotheweird

    pop-yotheweird Ketchup Robot

    you never know, man. what with these small updates that could've been working on it this entire time. quest progression has been a big topic since people found out it's only, like, 5 quests.
  19. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    the generation of the planets themselves is tied to their coordinates. also: exploration is so important to the devs that they use that as a justification for not giving us full details of the files they are pushing with each patch. i would assume then, that they should be informed when they are about to add something that could potentially de-facto remove exploration.
  20. Nathaniel Moxley

    Nathaniel Moxley Title Not Found

    Any date we can expect to see this hit unstable? Also, if it hasn't been said before, could we maybe get a way of transporting liquids like a bucket?
    And perhaps a fishing rod to catch and cook those fish we see in puddles?

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