Outpost Art

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. BRAWW

    BRAWW Vice-President of the Red Gang

    While you guys might have some valid criticism, please try not to just pick at each other and derail the thread into pointless bickering. This is the only warning shot I'm firing.

  2. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    2d vs 3d: incorrect. it's even more messy and jarring in 3d. see: any bethesda game. however, in both 2d and 3d, it is possible to accept that what you're getting is a representation. take morrowind, for example. morrowind takes place in the lands of the xenophobic dunmer. guess, what, over 50% of all the NPCs in the game are dunmer. the lore for morrowind states that the isle of vvardenfel has a population of thousands. ingame, it's closer to 300-400. i can accept that.

    that is why i make a stink about the lorebreaking. as i stated on page 8 or 10, it breaks the suspension of disbelief. again i use the analogy of reading the census to see it reported that 95% of the population of the US is chinese.

    practicality: we already have sizable villages. they are not as big as a small planet-spanning outpost. i think that one statement invalidates your entire paragraph.

    outpost safe zone: yes, rule by the gun. that's not how "safe zones" work in video games, however. furthermore, i agree with your second paragraph. that's why i advocate racial outposts, as a settlement (not planet) type.

    you spent that whole post arguing with me over stuff we've already been over. why dont you comment on the alternatives i have presented? that is by far more constructive than this constant bickering and trying to "prove me wrong". i have my opinion, and you have had many pages, yet you have not changed it. just accept my opinion for what it is, and if you'd like to be constructive, criticize my alternative suggestions.

    edit: continuing from last sentence: ... because, one day, i might have to make a mod to make the game actually enjoyable to me.
  3. RedReaper

    RedReaper Void-Bound Voyager

    Just wanted to know if there will be working elevators.
  4. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    Great, now there's more things for me to scan :)!
    Also, I'm surprised you can't be hired as an assassin...

    Also, finally mirrors! Soon I can fully refurbish a prison!

    I can't see this elevator everyone is talking about...
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014
  5. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Love love love the outpost design. George V is a superb artist! Can't wait to see them in game

    I doubt outposts will allow you to break them down. They are neutral areas after all so I expect no building or tearing down while inside.
  6. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    That would be dumb if I couldn't scan every item in the game. If your excuse is that they will attack me, then my excuse is that I will kill them...
  7. Gila

    Gila Big Damn Hero

    Can't wait, looks amazing
  8. AdachiTheGreat

    AdachiTheGreat Void-Bound Voyager

    Does that mean that the next big update will add these AND quests?
  9. pop-yotheweird

    pop-yotheweird Ketchup Robot

    we can hope, my friend.
    and hope I shall do.
  10. Aggravated

    Aggravated Aquatic Astronaut

    So this is nifty and all, but are settlements ever getting fleshed out? I see a lot of cool things here, quests, trading, even renting out space. Wasn't this all "promised" to be part of settlements from the get go?
    Is CF just skipping that for now to throw in these Outposts for now? Is it easier to just make a new kind of planet type from the ground up than it is to re-work the code from settlements into a working vision of what settlements were supposed to be? This an indication that we aren't going to see something completed or thoroughly worked out for awhile? Just consistently see bits of new content in random directions?
    D-16 likes this.
  11. Dictionary

    Dictionary Void-Bound Voyager

    You guys are really booking it! I wonder what the buildings look from the outside?
  12. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    I wonder what kind of games I could play on that awesome 5-screened computer....
    pop-yotheweird likes this.
  13. Gernund

    Gernund Void-Bound Voyager

    More Biomes O_O. Now, the only thing left is the story line after the first 5 quests. this game is SOOOO FU#?&g AWESOME!!!
  14. Gruntdonttoot

    Gruntdonttoot Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I really like the lighting on this, a lot.
  15. ScribbleNova

    ScribbleNova Void-Bound Voyager

    Late reply but whatever.

    Don't get me wrong, I'd love to build a house, it's just I'm plain terrible at building.
  16. Enbon

    Enbon Void-Bound Voyager

    Although those are great Ideas I belive thats would be incradiblt difficult plus some users may get lag.
  17. aidan1001

    aidan1001 Void-Bound Voyager

    this is agood idea they could have shady characters ,weapon sellers, traders,pet sellers,MECH/TECH SELLERS!, and maybe even novakids!
  18. Doctor Stein

    Doctor Stein Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Cant wait =3
  19. Prodegy9

    Prodegy9 Orbital Explorer

  20. Kuddlefish

    Kuddlefish Tentacle Wrangler

    Please bring this new type of planet soon! I like building and populating my own town, but outposts would really help the universe seem real/alive.

    Maybe Outposts could be very heavily armed too, so players who wanted to raid them would have a good challenge.

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