Outpost Art

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. Goldpork

    Goldpork Zero Gravity Genie

    Time to bomb innocent people for no reason but to conquer every planet for myself!
    More people=The Better!
    More bombs I have=The Better!
    More weapons I have=THE BETTER!!!
  2. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    no, this is going to be a "hub" of sorts, with all sorts of merchant and questgiving NPCs.
    hiul likes this.
  3. JediMasterOW

    JediMasterOW Void-Bound Voyager

    Awesome! Can't wait for the next update! I see a lot of new objects in that outposts! Will we be able to buy the same objects used in the Outpost? Like the huge radar dish?
  4. Stormalisk

    Stormalisk Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Too D-16, when was math and lore one and the same? Honesty does this matter that much for, as I stated before, a lore that is not even set in stone?

    Also don't say that your validation is perfect.... Perfect or not, saying it is makes a bad impression on your argument.

    Hell, even if the lore stays as it is, why does this bother you this much?

    I'm seeing outposts as mostly human dominated posts (the designs of them) with other species that gladly come and mingle with humanity. Likely since some of these said fellows are probably outcasts. Since honesty their fellow species' societies are flawed beyond question.
    Akado likes this.
  5. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    because if you do the math, you see the lore is ridiculously wrong. it'd be like looking at the census to find that it reports 95% of the population of the US is chinese. starbound is supposed to be kind of silly, i guess, but having the lore wrong on that order of magnitude as a complete immersion breaker for me. the lore becomes deeply incorrect due to not thinking about these kinds of things when developing. the whole setting then becomes unbelievable.... if these outcasts outnumber the majority by so much, why have they not taken the place of the status quo? the "majorities" then become the outcasts, and none of the major characters (greenfinger, big ape, thornwing, etc al) should matter in the slightest.

    fine, a synonym then. my argument is unassailable.

    simply because it does. the lore is important to me. the way the game plays is important to me. this concept affect both in a negative manner, in my opinion. it's the same old cycle. i state an opinion, people argue against my points, i respond to them.

    your vision does not match the posted plans. they said outposts would be places where all species mingle freely. nowhere did they say "predominately human", and the aesthetic does not guarantee human ownership either. apex would be a more logical choice, and would agree with lore. that is idle speculation, and not something we can extrapolate with math.
    Sartorius likes this.
  6. Stormalisk

    Stormalisk Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yes I understand your ideal that it seems like the majority is now the minority, but then again, its a big universe out there and most of the time your not even likely (or wanting) to run into the majority because they will be likely hostile towards you. So the lack of hostility would seem more of opinion because avoiding the majority is recommended.

    To your last paragraph, the apex wouldn't seem the best choice as many are ruled by a totalitarian government. I sought human as the best as their government is not even enforced and likely many humans created their own. (also design is not as pearly white as most apex design) Yet, perhaps there could be apex rebel outposts too?
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2014
  7. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    yes, this is kind of the point. the universe is kind of a hostile place, and none of the races really get along. outposts counter this by giving you a safe zone where everyone is friends. i would much rather see current settlements fleshed out than have new ones added.

    continuing this line of thought, i believe a faction reputation system would answer most of your concerns with hostility, and would be a more robust system. i would much rather do quests that affect reputations than ones that just give me pixels. but then again,. it's really too much to hope for. i just reminded myself about the whole "pixels are the key that unlock the gate to the next teir" thing.

    yea, this is kinda pointless to argue, they seem dead set on flat, boring, un-fun mechanics that dont make sense with the lore they established.
    Sartorius and Grimmturd like this.
  8. Stormalisk

    Stormalisk Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There is already hostile glitch castles, avian temples, human bunkers, and apex labs. So your basically saying that is not hostile enough?

    A faction systems would be neat, though, but it may get overly complicated and difficult to keep track of such. Then again it might not.

    Also it is pretty disheartening that you have seemed to given up over a game over something so insignificant. But it is your opinion, if you no longer find this game fun I hope you do find one that fits your needs.
  9. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    i was saying that the universe isnt a friendly place. i like the old sector x analogy "wild west in space", no law but your blaster.

    a good UI can make it simple. as there only seems to be two varieties of each race, have two bars by a head sprite from each race. blue in the bar means friendly, red means hostile. quests in your log should list how completing them will change your reps. or, just use daggerfall's. despite the complexity of the rep system in daggerfall, it's really not too hard to keep track of. or morrowind. you dont even get to see your reps in morrowind, and it is only slightly less complex than daggerfall. dont use the reps from later bethesda games, those are not good.

    i have not given up on the game. or even my position. it's just that all of these "future of starbound" type posts have consisted primarily of bad concepts. and despite several attempts, i cannot think of a closing that does not devolve into a rant. let's just leave that at that.
    Grimmturd and bounding star like this.
  10. hiul

    hiul Void-Bound Voyager

    thanks for the clarification :)
  11. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    glad to be of help =D
  12. Mortifer

    Mortifer Intergalactic Tourist

    Guys, seriously i freaking love starbound and i love the way it is developing, but please, if you cant keep your promise about "daily updates", well then just dont make them. I do understand that it takes its time until new content is added and i know that the way you're updating is quite frequently, but dont say its daily if its not, cuz i end up checking on new updates every day and its killing me :rofl:
  13. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Am I the only one here who's noticing that there seems to be "bendy" shapes going on here/ - the pipes and that "hollow" trim; either chucklefish has made half a dozen different pipe tiles, or we're looking at a new kind've placement rule for tiles - I REALLY hope it's the latter there is so much we could do with intelligent shapes.
  14. Akado

    Akado Oxygen Tank

    Would you kindly not make this personal? You can disagree with their concepts or their approach, but saying that their concepts are "bad" assumes you have a better idea that is a better fit into a game that they're making (it's not your own). If I happen to like their concepts, then do I say their concepts are "great" therefore you're bad? No, it means I agree with their approach, and you don't. You are not the absolute authority on Starbound, so stop acting like you are.

    Take a step back, and stop trying to "win the argument." This isn't an argument, and you're not winning. No one is. CF has displayed art that they plan on using in the Outpost concept. That's it. They haven't said how common or rare these outposts will be, they haven't said explicitly whether or not they will be populated by all races in a single outpost all at once, or any concrete details.

    You're speculating that their final implementation will NOT be what you want, and you're already getting upset over it. That's not helping anything, because you're not even challenging Chucklefish to be better, you're just disagreeing with everything and saying "Because math!"

    From this very thread, you can see that a lot of people like the concept art. That's all the thread is really about, the concept art. Not the functional implementation, not the rarity of the Outposts, not how they will be declared or hidden.

    If you can't think of a closing that isn't a rant, then you're on tilt and need to step back and return once you've cleared your head.
    Jbeetle likes this.
  15. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    I think it's just concept art, and if that's the case, you shouldn't read into what you see too much.
  16. NeoFoxx000

    NeoFoxx000 Phantasmal Quasar

    Not too shabby. A nice neutral place for the many races to interact with each other. Though curiosity doth pique me, with the comings and goings of the outpost and it's inhabitants, I take it that there will be many guards, yes?

    *spys coffee machine*

    COFFEE! COFFEE! COFFEE! Sorry, haven't had a good cup-a-joe in a while.
  17. dawg911

    dawg911 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    oh god, please stop teasing us with those wonderful pixel art and realease something already :p
  18. ScribbleNova

    ScribbleNova Void-Bound Voyager

    Yes finally I can move in somewhere without having to actually build!
  19. Cider

    Cider Ketchup Robot

    I love it, that would be awesome for a asteroid field base.
  20. Mutant1988

    Mutant1988 Void-Bound Voyager

    The question I have is: Will we be able to establish our own outposts with NPCs that can rent structures?

    Because if it's limited to this one planet type, that would feel a bit overly limited. Because I would much rather establish an outpost with NPCs (Even if they don't have the same trading capabilities as found outposts) on whatever I choose to be my home planet rather than be forced to find and settle on a planet that allows it.

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