Outpost "3" missing key

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OurfriendGaming, Aug 13, 2015.

  1. OurfriendGaming

    OurfriendGaming Space Hobo

    Cant seem to find this key to get into the 3rd outpost. Can anyone give me a general idea of whereabouts to look?
    • The Real Gypsy

      The Real Gypsy Void-Bound Voyager

      It should be on the dead body to the left. The one with the blood spelling STOP upside down. :boo:
        Leth likes this.
      • OurfriendGaming

        OurfriendGaming Space Hobo

        Ah thanks. The problem was i checked the body, but you have to read the door 1st and THEN check the body. Thx for the help!

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