
Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by The | Suit, May 13, 2014.

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  1. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Noting it here, just in case the commit gets forgotten later on when we're making a changelog
    Note these will only be available with Rampaging Koala

    • listcid lists all users and their associated client IDs
    • kickcid <clientID> [reason] kicks a player based on their CID
    • kick <username> [reason] kicks a player based on username
    • ban <username> [reason] kicks and IP bans a player based on their username
    • bancid <clientID> [reason] kicks and IP bans a player based on their clientID
    • softban <username> [reason] kicks and UUID bans a specific players character based on their username
    • softbancid <clientID> [reason] kicks and UUID bans a specific players character based on their client ID
    • globalalert <message> Issues a global alert to all players in large text
    • spawnitem <itemID> [count] [item param] Spawns specified item
    • spawnsword <level> [color] [kind] Spawns a randomly generated melee weapon
    • spawngun <level> [kind] Spawns a randomly generated ranged weapon
    • spawnshield <level> [kind] Spawns a randomly generated shield
    • spawnliquid [liquidID] [quantity] Spawns a liquid at mouse cursor
    • spawnmonster <type> [level] [param] Spawns a monster at mouse cursor
    • spawnnpc <species> [type] [level] Spawns an NPC at mouse cursor
    • timewarp <amount> Changes the current planet’s clock
    • togglelayer <layernumber> Toggles the visibility of specified draw layer
    • fullbright Disables the lighting engine
    • setgravity <amount> Sets your local gravity
    • resetgravity Resets your gravity
    • debug Enables debug mode
    • togglelogmap Displays performance info (requires debug mode)
    • boxes Displays collisions (requires debug mode)
    • itemID Displays information on given item
    • reload Reloads local assets
    • serverreload Reloads remote assets
    • timewarp : Usage /timewarp <seconds> Warp time ahead by 'x" seconds
    • list will print out a report showing client ID | nickname | UUID for all players on server
    • toplayership <playerID> warps admin to players ship.


    1. /reload => reloads assets from disk
    2. /message => alternative syntax for sending a message
    3. /showhunger => prompts hunger bar to rise up
    4. /played => shows how long you've played
    5. /itemid bag slot => dumps the item information as json, useful for debugging, bag is either 1-6 or the name of the bag. Slot is 0-(bagsize-1) or the name of the slot.
    6. /gravity => displays the gravity where your player is currently at.
    7. /debug => enable debugging mode
    8. /togglelogmap => when in debug mode, toggle lots of text information to the screen
    9. /boxes => when in debug mode, toggle debugging boxes
    10. /clearboxes => when in debug mode, toggle debugging clear boxes
    Item Id usage:

    enum class InventoryType : uint8_t {
    // Regular bag inventory
    // Secondary bag inventory
    // Action Bar
    // Head, Back, Legs
    // Left and Right hands
    // Special swap slot for inventory management

    enum class EquipmentSlot : int8_t {
    Head = 0,
    Chest = 1,
    Legs = 2,
    Back = 3,
    HeadSoc = 4,
    ChestSoc = 5,
    LegsSoc = 6,
    BackSoc = 7,
    Tech1 = 8,
    Tech2 = 9,
    Tech3 = 10,
    Tech4 = 11,
    Trash = 12,
    EquipmentSize = 13

    enum class WieldableSlot : int8_t {
    LeftHand = 0,
    RightHand = 1,
    WieldableSize = 2

    All strings are case insensitive. /itemid Wieldable lefthand will give you the info of the item in your left hand. Which is the same as /itemid 5 0

    Repost of Reddit post by Omnipotent Entity - http://www.reddit.com/r/starbound/comments/25ef28/modders_whats_your_number_1_request/chge0iv
    Server commands here
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2014
    Armed Mosquito likes this.
  2. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Updated with Server commands also
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