Other types of liquids and rain.

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Admiral Obvious, Jun 29, 2012.

  1. Tea Mate

    Tea Mate Existential Complex

    This one is Epic. The best way to travel. Now if there was only a way to control it's movement...

    Tired of all those boring mounts? Tired of all those stupid monotone liquids? Want something special? Well, look no further! Order living gel!
    What so special about it? Well, it's a liquid that moves! Imagine bathing somewhere in the wilds, when suddenly an enemy jumps out of a bush. What would you do? If it was any other liquid, you would have to go through all the trouble of getting your sword or rocket launcher an killing him, then finding a new pond without the creature's blood and innards splashed all over the place...
    Not with living gel! You can just order it to carry your enemy away! Or you can order it to move you to a different spot!
    It's also a great way to travel in style! Imagine how envious your friends will be when they see you carried by our brand new living gel! And imagine how the ladies will look at you!
    You have enemies you hate? Nothing some living gel can't take care of! Why, just spray some living gel on their doorstep and watch the little sucker carried away into lava! What are you waiting for? Call 55-555-555 and order living gel now during this special offer for only 99.99$

    (CAUTION! we are not responsible for: Uncontrollable gel throwing you on spikes, into lava or acid, gel getting stuck to you, allergies and many other horrible side-effect living gel might cause)
  2. Kilo

    Kilo Pangalactic Porcupine

    This is brilliant! I'm particularly fond of the Energel and Biowater compounds, they bring to mind things like advanced technological ruins abandoned, where they once used things like this for power and medical technologies, now grown over with vegetation. I don't think I could stress enough how much I would enjoy seeing this in game. I love it!
  3. Valen

    Valen Pangalactic Porcupine

    This would be interesting to see in the game to say at the least.
  4. krayfuse

    krayfuse Big Damn Hero

    I can imagine myself pumping up biowater into tanks, and making sure im the only person in the universe with them! How about Gravigel, which has the tendancy to go anti-grav, making the oceans float into the air! This reveals completely new areas, because it has the same statistics as tar, so it is a death trap if you try to swim in it! So, you can take a chance and mine the rare minerals whilst the gel is in the air, and get back before it goes normal again! You can tell when it is going normal again when it starts falling down in drips!
  5. Admiral Obvious

    Admiral Obvious Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    All ideas are being accepted and compiled, but how would you either find or obtain it? Is it naturally occurring? Does it require manufacturing? I'd like you to add more in that area so if the devs read this thread they can know in what direction this idea was geared to.:)
  6. krayfuse

    krayfuse Big Damn Hero

    It would be a natural occurance, and is very rare. On looks, it could look like water, but is tinted various colours, so it kinda looks like patches of rainbows, but very faint rainbows. As I said, acts like tar, but with the gravity changes. I guess it could be manufactured, but it requires the mixing of quicksilver, tar, and energel to create, and would take a long time, and you can only create if you have studied a sample, or a NPC has given you a Gravgel related object.
    Admiral Obvious likes this.
  7. Admiral Obvious

    Admiral Obvious Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Thanks for that, its been added pretty much exactly as you worded it, but in a non-conversational form.
  8. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    Suggestion: Change the name of 'Inhabited Water' to 'Infested Water'... Inhabited Water could mean anything from fish to sharks to you being inside the water. Know what I mean? :)

    Also, an idea: "Greased Lightning", a Crafted only Liquid that combines Oil, Ferrofluid, Energel, & Gravigel. A brand new Prototype Energy Liquid that takes slickness & slipperiness to whole new levels. Perhaps can become a Component of late-game crafting recipes for very late game Vechicles? (Sci-Fi futuristic Fuel that powers something without having to be consumed Gas Style, maybe?) "Greased Lightning" as an idea for a name is partially from the fact that this Liquid can by it's characteristics move extremely fast & energetically, & partially that it would be the 'civilian name' for (Insert horrifically huge long complicated Scientific Name that 95% of the human race can't pronounce or remember 5 minutes later here. :p ) to make it easier to refer to. :idea:
  9. grimness

    grimness Phantasmal Quasar

    did anyone think of caustic liquids? or do you just want to qualify that as acid?
  10. Admiral Obvious

    Admiral Obvious Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I think that caustics fall under the general definition of acids.
  11. grimness

    grimness Phantasmal Quasar

    will there be variations of acids? like saltpetre and kings water ect. ect?
  12. Admiral Obvious

    Admiral Obvious Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    If you can describe those ideas in more depth and what they do, i'd be happy to sub categorize them.
  13. grimness

    grimness Phantasmal Quasar

    well, some acids are not as stable as others and 'fizzle' into gasses faster than others. this means that if you found a pool of unstable acid it would evaporate to a gas upon coming in contact with the air. (and quite possibly burning your skin off)
    as others may be more stable or just thinned out by water or other liquids, they wont evaporate.
    some pools of acid may have precious gems at the bottom because the acid is so consentrated that it burn through the stone and dirt leaving only gems.
    in the same way some acids will be found deeper underground because they've spent a few million years slowly burning through all the dirt layers, slowly going deeper into the planet's caverns.

    and then there may be certin mobs that inhabit areas where the climate is naturally acidic (perhaps the waters have like 4 pd value instead of being netural) and creatures there may react violently to any bases they come in contact with.

    this the stuff u needed?
  14. Admiral Obvious

    Admiral Obvious Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Pretty much, I just need you to "bind" the description to a name. Otherwise its saying acids have some standard variation.
  15. grimness

    grimness Phantasmal Quasar

    ehh, well i guess i can name one and then other suggestions may just come by other users.
    i think ive been a bit of a gloryhog with all these posts :p.

    kingswater: a very rare acid that is usually found in cavers deep underground.
    it is a highly unstable acid and has a pd value of 0.2, due to being so consentrated one tends to find extremely corroding resistant material sorrounding the pools.
    this is one of the most consentrated acids in the known universe and has a high value among various professions.
    it is used for things like explosives and thuroughly cleaning machine parts as a part of their production phase.
    it is mostly know for its ability to corrode through gold.

    there, i think ive done my part now =P
    Admiral Obvious and Axe Garian like this.
  16. Admiral Obvious

    Admiral Obvious Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Yes you have, i'm going to copy and paste it into the main post, but trim it down to the important details, and then make it look grammatically correct.:)
  17. PekingDuck

    PekingDuck Void-Bound Voyager

    How about some kind of super light liquid that is somehow less dense than air? Alternatively, just make it a lighter than air gas.
  18. Alternal

    Alternal Existential Complex

    That would be awesome, the liquid would kind of be like floating rain just lazily going around once you disturb a little pool of it. But in theory, a planet with a very low gravity could have almost any of the liquids floating.
  19. buttershoes

    buttershoes Industrial Terraformer

    the kingswater should release visible gas that travels up and hurts you if the acid gets exposed to air, then if it makes its way to the atmosphere it causes the next rainfall to be acid.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  20. Admiral Obvious

    Admiral Obvious Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Ok to mr. buttershoes. I'll add that to the description.

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