Other types of liquids and rain.

Discussion in 'Blocks and Crafting' started by Admiral Obvious, Jun 29, 2012.

  1. Admiral Obvious

    Admiral Obvious Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    That would fit under the liquid elements category.
    I put your first two ideas in, but i'm unsure about those two at the moment.
    Swamp water would just be regular water right? What would be the applications of it?

    I suppose ink could work... I just need more clarification on the idea.
  2. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    I think Swamp water is just ascetic. Maybe it could spawn new mobs

    I read through your posts and I didn't see Quicksilver (Mercury) be mentioned as conductive to electricity (which I assume will be added into the game at some point)
  3. DNAY!

    DNAY! Ketchup Robot

    I was watching a thread about the Viscons and i thought Ferrofluid should be added.
    It's a magnetic liquid, it can be crafted and is rarely found in industrialized areas.It's attracted by any metal blocks, it can be used in metal detectors.
    Dragrath and §hifter like this.
  4. Admiral Obvious

    Admiral Obvious Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Very well then. Adding it to the top.
  5. Evinagro

    Evinagro Cosmic Narwhal

    lava is molten metal/rock and would be WAAAAAAAY too heavy, change that to sulphuric acid(like on Venus)
  6. Admiral Obvious

    Admiral Obvious Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Just remember that this is a game. Raining lava could work, especially on volcanic planets with eruptions going on.
  7. Evinagro

    Evinagro Cosmic Narwhal

    actually eruptions just fire lava and ash into the sky and scattering the land around it with just that, lava and ash
    it would make no sense for lava clouds to exist
  8. Tea Mate

    Tea Mate Existential Complex

    Well, there's raining fish. Don't believe me? Read the first post here:
    So there might as well be a lava rain. Perhaps there could be lava-geysers which throw lava into the air, there it gets snatched up by super-strong wind(like it is in some planets) and gets carried upwards a little. A drop by drop it slips through the wind and starts falling downward in the form of rain. It doesn't turn into rock because the climate around it is too hot. This is just an example of how could it rain lava. Just be creative and you will find a way.
    matthijsieboy likes this.
  9. Evinagro

    Evinagro Cosmic Narwhal

    raining fish could only occur if there was a tsunami or something causing a giant splash sending the fish into the sky then onto land
  10. Tea Mate

    Tea Mate Existential Complex

    There you have it! See? It is possible to logically explain almost any weird thing if you only put your mind into it!
    Einstein himself once said:
    "Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."
  11. Evinagro

    Evinagro Cosmic Narwhal

    but it would make more sense for sulphuric acid and not lava, that would incinerate you and/or your ship upon entering the atmosphere
  12. Garm

    Garm Void-Bound Voyager

    I wonder how big is the target audience for this game is...because as an avid Dwarf Fortress player I hope there will be blood
    Vance Renadi likes this.
  13. Admiral Obvious

    Admiral Obvious Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I'm thinking of bleach. Not the show but the liquid.

    Bleach is a crafting only item that can be used to purify things or be used in poison recipes.
  14. Vance Renadi

    Vance Renadi Void-Bound Voyager

    I love the idea of the bioliquid, it could be something harvested for healthpacks and the like allowing us to devastate the natural environment for our own gains :D
  15. Admiral Obvious

    Admiral Obvious Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Just thought of rubidium. It explodes on contact with water.
  16. Soprano

    Soprano Pangalactic Porcupine

    Chocolate rain? Naw, maybe something like mercury rain that poisons the water would be interesting.
  17. Evinagro

    Evinagro Cosmic Narwhal

    Tay Zonday approves! nitrogen rain would also be nice - freezes you unless your under a roof
  18. Soprano

    Soprano Pangalactic Porcupine

    Why, yes. That would work too.
  19. Admiral Obvious

    Admiral Obvious Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I have put in a link to an open source game that i got some of my ideas from, maybe this would help people to come up with even better ideas. :)
  20. A couple more liquid ideas for you:

    Living Gel - A thick liquid that comes in various colours. Harmless, but will occasionally start moving of its own accord! When Living Gel wants to move, it forms into a sphere and rolls to another convenient place that can hold it as a pool before settling again. If you are swimming in the gel when it does this, you will be carried along with it! Living Gel never appears as rain.
    Energel - A thick fluid used to make energy cells. Your energy rapidly recharges while you are swimming through it. On planets where Energel occurs naturally, gel rain may occur after a hurricane or tornado. Energel is frequently found in large reservoirs in highly advanced structures.

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