Orbital Spaceship Artillery(Ion Cannon/Mirv Planetary Bombarding)

Discussion in 'Gear and Items' started by Lonewolf222, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. Lonewolf222

    Lonewolf222 Title Not Found

    The ultimate way(and most expensive OVER THE TOP WAY) of taking something out on the the surface. Clearly this is something you'd have to work towards building on your spaceship, not much unlike the mech bay that builds Mech's for you to pilot, its effectiveness depending on the quality of the spaceship weapons system installed.

    Its also not something you'd start the game with, its an end game item as an atmosphere penetrating weapons system is definitely state of the art! And it'd ruin any "starter" outdoor bosses you'd come across. But really, just imagine how happy you'd be when you finally got your giant ORBITAL DEATH RAY/NUKE SILO... Being able to(on a Cooldown mind you), call in a ridiculously awesome WEapon of mass destruction. Yeah, you'll want to zoom out for "that". After installing the room, you simply call it down while planetside.

    Now, I ain't saying they gotta get this in anytime before the release date, But I think anyone who's reading this knows the good fun to be had with such power... And without further adoo, I'll just leave this picture here and let you think about that scene in Akira where the orbital Laser hits Tetsuro...(or optionally the Fallout New Vegas Deathray)

    treecone likes this.
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  3. Taylor

    Taylor Pangalactic Porcupine

    Been suggested and implemented already. Link


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