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RELEASED Omnicrafter version 1.5.5

Craft (almost) anything with only one crafting station!

  1. Horstj

    Horstj Subatomic Cosmonaut

  2. Mikelgard

    Mikelgard Void-Bound Voyager

    Spirited Giraffe compatible?
  3. Horstj

    Horstj Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yes, but I was stupid and forgot to update the Overview-page.
  4. Mikelgard

    Mikelgard Void-Bound Voyager

    Danke schoen! Only thing I'd like to say is that the only relevant thing to make this better would be a general UI update where you can click on the ingredients in a recipe to see what said ingredients require, and perhaps a further extension by showing a full tree of all the lowest-level mats needed to make said recip. So for item x, I need 20 of mat 1 and 10 of mat 2, for mat 1 needs 40 of mat a and 20 and mat b, et cetera et cetera
  5. Horstj

    Horstj Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That would surely be awesome, but...
    1. it would require to use a custom UI with loads of code, and I am not sure if it is even possible to create a custom crafting UI (not a window.config it would need to be a cutom lua-driven gui), wich in turn requires qustom code to load recipes and to actually craft them (including checking inventory and stuff like that (as I said I'm not sure if it's posible at all))
    2. it would need to know how to recognize lowest-level materials, otherwise you could get infinte loops (eg: you need pixels for something, wich can be crafted from compressed voxels, wich can be crafted from pixels, wich can be crafted from compressed voxels... nd so on; how does a programm that shall return lowest-tier stuff know where to end (due to 3d-printing you would propably end up with most recipes requireing only pixels))

    but I like the idea and might try to figure something out, but don't expect there to be anythin soon.
  6. Mikelgard

    Mikelgard Void-Bound Voyager

    Could simplify it and put all those recipe books to good use, it'd take a decent amount of time, though, following all the trees back to t1 mats. So, let's say for armor X, it'd say "X" at the top of the page, then list immediate requirements, then each successive line would be the next tier down, or something similar ^u^
  7. Horstj

    Horstj Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Horstj updated Omnicrafter with a new update entry:

    The massive harvest update (v1.4.1)

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. lillgrinn

    lillgrinn Phantasmal Quasar

    In Nightly version game crashed - error in quiest file.

      "id" : "H19_ocUnlock_wiretool.gearup",
      "prerequisites" : [  ],
      "requiredShipLevel" : 5,
      "title" : "Unlock Omnicrafter stuff",
      "text" : "Get a H19-Omnicrafter.",
      "completionText" : "Now you should have stuff.",
      "conditions" : [
        { "kind" : "gather", "item" : [ "H19_omnicrafter", 1], "consume" : false }
      "moneyRange" : [0, 0],
      "rewards" : [
      "planetMode" : "none",
      "enableAiCommands" : ["giveWiretool"],
      "completionCinema" : "/cinematics/licenses/license3.cinematic",
      "questDungeons" : [ ],
      "followUp" : "",
      "requireTurnIn" : false
    In the Nightly version the section "conditions" was replaced with the section "completionConditions".

      "id" : "H19_ocUnlock_wiretool.gearup",
      "prerequisites" : [  ],
      "requiredShipLevel" : 5,
      "title" : "Unlock Omnicrafter stuff",
      "text" : "Get a H19-Omnicrafter.",
      "completionText" : "Now you should have stuff.",
      "completionConditions" : [
        { "type" : "gather", "item" : "H19_omnicrafter", "count" : 1, "consume" : false }
      "moneyRange" : [0, 0],
      "rewards" : [
      "planetMode" : "none",
      "enableAiCommands" : ["giveWiretool"],
      "completionCinema" : "/cinematics/licenses/license3.cinematic",
      "questDungeons" : [ ],
      "followUp" : "",
      "requireTurnIn" : false
  9. Horstj

    Horstj Subatomic Cosmonaut

  10. gray_edge

    gray_edge Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    note i tried taking off the power armor not only did it crash my game but it also reset the world i was on[DOUBLEPOST=1443423469][/DOUBLEPOST]
    update i can no longer use the mod it continues to result in a fatal error
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2015
  11. gray_edge

    gray_edge Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    [​IMG] other notes i can remove the helmet but if i try to remove the chest or legs i get a pop up of a long column of number and then starbound crashes and a side note thats not that bad but a few sound bits has gone missing like the rocket boots, the teleporter, the FTL launch, and the chucklefish chuckle

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 28, 2015
  12. gray_edge

    gray_edge Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    new news the sound bits are back and i was able to remove the armor using a editor but now as soon as i load my characters i get the error message so im going to say that the mega armor is broken
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2015
    Horstj likes this.
  13. Horstj

    Horstj Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Thanks for the report; unfortunatly I have no Idea what's causing this. But I'll look into the issue.
  14. Horstj

    Horstj Subatomic Cosmonaut

    gray_edge likes this.
  15. gray_edge

    gray_edge Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    thanks the bug fix worked thank you so much
  16. gray_edge

    gray_edge Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i dont know if its this mod but i cant craft armor higher then durasteel i used the race armor books and the things that pops up from the bottom to show the new things you can craft its all perfectly generic items any idea whats wrong and i already did the file check and it says all files are there
    Horstj likes this.
  17. Horstj

    Horstj Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That's because the Books unlook oldstyle tier 5 -10 items, wich don't exist anymore now ist tier 5a/m/s and tier 6a/m/s; I have to change that, and please continue to report issues when you find them.
    gray_edge likes this.
  18. Horstj

    Horstj Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Horstj updated Omnicrafter with a new update entry:

    racial armor bugfix

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    --- Post updated ---
    1.0 aperently changed many things...
    So this doesn't work anymore and I have no clue why. I will start updating in about one and a half weeks but it may take some time
    gray_edge likes this.
  19. Horstj

    Horstj Subatomic Cosmonaut

  20. Horstj

    Horstj Subatomic Cosmonaut

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