Pixel Omega's Character Art

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Omega V, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Arch-Mage Zandor

    Arch-Mage Zandor Space Kumquat

    I loved that game
    Seajun_ likes this.
  2. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    Oh god, I remember that game... So much hate... And purification.

    I'll get to it this weekend. :)
    Seajun_ and Spacedino like this.
  3. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    Update: Been a bit busier than usual, the sprite art got put off; I'll see if I can get to it today.

    If not, it'll be up sometime soon!
    Seajun_ likes this.
  4. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    There! Finally got around to it:
    PC Human SB Avatar.png

    That arm... GUH.

    Hope it looks good to all you people!
  5. *Dat arm. That's great!
    EDIT: I forgot, could you also do the Umbreon and Espeon?
    EDIT EDIT: Please and thank you!
  6. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    Oh. I suppose I could try doing a Pokemon.

    I'm not sure how well I'll do; should be decent at least!

    ... Hahah, first thought: Post the original Pokemon sprites and say "I'm done!" :lolwut:
    Spacedino and Seajun_ like this.
  7. NanoPaladin

    NanoPaladin Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hey omega in not good with Pixel Art so I am curious if you can do something for me
  8. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    Sure Nano! Let me know what you'd like to see. :)
    NanoPaladin likes this.
  9. NanoPaladin

    NanoPaladin Subatomic Cosmonaut


    Is that do able for you sir?
  10. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    Reminds me of Dead Space.

    I'll get to it when I can! I know I've been a bit slower on the completion of pixel art lately, but that's what English and Geography college courses will do to a person.

    ... That and I'm enjoying Warframe. ;)
  11. Shadewolf10

    Shadewolf10 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Ya see this is how I want mine to be, mine are just blurred either becuase I make them to small or they just f*** up
  12. NanoPaladin

    NanoPaladin Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I feel ya on the college stuff man
  13. Hey, please don't hurt me but I just thought of something else I wanted
    Don't bother with it until you have some free time. Also, I want you to know that I really appreciate you doing all these requests for me.
  14. Spacedino

    Spacedino Ketchup Robot

    aaand i can't see the image... again i think. Again I don't know if it's just for me or if others have this problem aswell
  15. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    I don't see your image, Shooshy.

    And don't worry, when I have stuff I can work on I'm happy. It's better than the other way around with nothing to do!
  16. Why does this keep happening :cry: I'll fix it when I get home.
  17. TenaciousTinkerer

    TenaciousTinkerer Cosmic Narwhal

    Here let me try to show the image for you Shooshy.

    Is it being shown for you guys now?
    Seajun_, Camz and NanoPaladin like this.
  18. NanoPaladin

    NanoPaladin Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Right click open image in new tab works
  19. Camz

    Camz Existential Complex

    This reminds of the Iron Golem scroll in Mojang's new game Scrolls.Nice pic!
  20. Spacedino

    Spacedino Ketchup Robot

    You can do that? What browser are you using :3 ?

    Also I know the guy in the picture, I just can't remember his name...

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