Pixel Omega's Character Art

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Omega V, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. oking22

    oking22 Master Chief

    thCAUSN5UJ.jpg Hello, would it be possible to do one of Corvo from Dishonored?
    Seajun_ likes this.
  2. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    Oh. I didn't reply to your request did I? Yeah, I'll do both yours and xelna's.

    Sorry bout that! :facepalm:
  3. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    Indeed! More things to do is fun!
  4. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    Sorry about the lack of progress so far; I've been busy the last two days working on a song that will be playable in game via ABC notation and instruments! I recently finished it, and posted the code over in The Starbound Music Guide. Considering it's ABC notation, and that I did it all by hand (no copy pasting from any source, just listening and writing in the notes I hear), I'm glad about the outcome.

    So, I should be able to start on the sprites either tomorrow before work, and definitely after if not.
    pigrocket likes this.
  5. Oooh, I'd love to see it.
    Link? (im too lazy to find this music thread)
  6. Boldty

    Boldty Void-Bound Voyager

    Here you go.
    AstroBlast likes this.
  7. MrDrMuffinPants

    MrDrMuffinPants Void-Bound Voyager

    Could you do chains from payday? With mask preferably.
  8. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    Thank you for the link! I'm lazy. :p
    Even moar stuff to do starting tomorrow? Sure.

    ... Actually I'm going to try to get them all done tomorrow. >:D
    Boldty likes this.
  9. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    SHAZAM! ... Part 1.
    Benjamin Sisko Avatar.png Chains Avatar.png Boldty Avatar 1.png Boldy Avatar 2.png

    These are the ones I've gotten done so far; I have to work on Corvo and that Space Marine yet. More detail = more time. ESPECIALLY the marine being so huge.
    Usually I do normal size people... Mostly because I like working on avatar skins, which I hope I can do for Starbound as well later. Boldty's walrus is a bit bigger, but still based off the base avatar. The Space marine is like... Bigger.

    Also Boldty, I couldn't decide what walrus you had in mind for the lower half; either flippers for feet, or a more anthropomorphic look. (Yes. Big words!) So I included both.

    Hope it's all looking good so far, I think Chains turned out good!
  10. MrDrMuffinPants

    MrDrMuffinPants Void-Bound Voyager

    awww yus thanks for chains!
  11. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    No problem! :up:
  12. Boldty

    Boldty Void-Bound Voyager

    Aww man, that's awesome. damn two diffrent ones, now I have to decide hehe:unsure:. It looks great, thanks a lot.:up:
  13. SaintPanda

    SaintPanda Cosmic Narwhal

    That...is.......the......best.......Captain.......Sisko.......in.......the......Universe...... *yawn*
    so tired......
  14. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    Glad you both like your Avatars!

    ... I hope you got some sleep Panda.
  15. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    Sorry about the lack of activity on my part, things got extremely busy the past couple of days, and they will probably continue with my college semester starting Monday.

    I'm unsure when I'll be able to continue on spriting, I will try to fit in Corvo and the Space Marine tomorrow.
  16. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    Would it be possible to get a sprite that's based off Crazon1.png but has the aspects of these two? Creepy.jpg Avatar.jpg
    If so, that's be awesome.
  17. Lord Kain

    Lord Kain Ketchup Robot

    Hello just wondering if you could make me a sprite like this please =)

  18. Spacedino

    Spacedino Ketchup Robot

    Guys... he hasn't even finished the requests he had before the thread died...
    Seajun_ likes this.
  19. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    It's not dead! I'm busy with college again. I still need to do Corvo yet.

    As for your requests... I may be able to do Crazyon's. Lord Kain, I'm not exactly sure how I could do your picture as a starbound character... I mean it's possible, but I probably couldn't do it the best.

    Thanks for informing people of my absence however, Spacedino. I wouldn't want people asking for requests when I'm not here to take them.

    Speaking of which, I'm going to take the "Taking Requests" off the main post again until my college work dies down enough.
  20. Profound Madness

    Profound Madness Big Damn Hero

    Oh damn, thanks! I've been rather busy and unable to respond the last.. months? Ueh, it's been long hasn't it? Sorry about the mess. THANKS though!

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