Pixel Omega's Character Art

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Omega V, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    I used the 'leader' word you mentioned, and with the Glitch style, made him a Centurion commander.

    Last night I remembered that I forgot the upper leg guard kilt thing. :facepalm: EDIT: Included it now.

    Honestly, I had a tough time thinking up what a glitch administrator would look like out of Starbound's Medieval context. That's why I made the tux there, that's the only idea I had: James-bond-villain-tuxedo-style-Glitch-administrator.

    If only he had room for a pocket watch... Anyway, if you want something more suited to what you were looking for, I can still make it. Just let me know. :)
    Serenity likes this.
  2. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    First try at drawing a pixel monster/animal... EVER:
    Epseon.png Epseon Aglow.png
    I can imagine a good looking GIF with it's tail moving and then the glow.

    I hope this works, Shooshy! I think it's a good first try at monster art.

    Now for Umbreon. Wish me luck!
    blind sniper, Seajun_ and Loyalsoul like this.
  3. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Good luck evee for life
  4. Shadewolf10

    Shadewolf10 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Good work!
  5. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero


    Hopefully this means I'm done with Pocket Monsters for a while.

    Two more weeks of college and then I can get these requests through much more quickly!
    Seajun_ and Serenity like this.
  6. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Finals crunch time :/
  7. Khataclysme

    Khataclysme Big Damn Hero

    This is awesome .. how did you do that ? I mean, with what kind of software ? Photoshop ? Do i need to be good at drawing ?
  8. Shadewolf10

    Shadewolf10 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    He most likes used Paint.net, Thats what I use, 3 x 3 pixels and you just need to be able to know where to place stuff, Hell I did this myself.
    Green Vial.png Red Vial.png Blue Vial.png
  9. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    Haha, Paint.net... That's a not for me.

    Photoshop Elements 10 all the way, it has a bunch of tools and options that has always helped me do pixel art.

    As for drawing, yeah, its all about highlights, shadows and contrasts between pixels, that and shaping the object.
  10. Shadewolf10

    Shadewolf10 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Ah well... *Quickly gets Photoshop Elements 10* Yeah... I totaly dont use Paint.net. Jk I totaly still use Paint.Net.
  11. Spacedino

    Spacedino Ketchup Robot

    Thats like, the only program I own lawl, aside from gimp maybe. But I don't really do a lot of artsy things so I guess I have an excuse.
  12. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    Hm... Debating how I'm going to go about doing Nu... It's already in pixel form, but how am I going to re-do it? :confused:

    Just a heads up, this is my list in order of requests:

    Chrono Nu, FTL sprites, FONV Ranger, Dinosaur (Bapplesauce), Wukong, Zandor's Avatar, FF7 Vincent, and Serenity's request.

    I might flip some around to get certain ones done, like the FONV Ranger which wouldn't take long, as well as Vincent and Wukong.

    If I have a base to work on (SB's Avatars) it makes working on the sprite a lot easier. Forming pixel art from scratch takes a bit more time.
    Loyalsoul likes this.
  13. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    Yeah Paint.net is okay, but it doesn't have as diverse of a color palette, or the option for opacity. That's really the only problem I have with it.
  14. Shadewolf10

    Shadewolf10 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Take your time on them, I feel for you, school is pressuring sometimes. I also Do not like the colour pallette sometimes, I'll just make my color myself half the time. I use it because its really the only decent one for mapping in KAG.
  15. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    Just an update for everyone who is most likely waiting:

    I had a surprise Jury duty letter late last week, so I had to go do that for half of my week, all on top of finals for college, as well as a 10 page paper. :rolleyes:

    I've been just a bit busy! The good news, however, is that I should be back on track next week, and be able to work on some sprites again.

    I think I'll rearrange the order of requests, so I can finish up the requests that came with a reference first, afterwards I will work on the sprites that will need a little more attention and imagination.

    Have a good week, everyone!
    Seajun_ and Loyalsoul like this.
  16. Omega Shadowcry

    Omega Shadowcry Cosmic Narwhal

    Also, V, do you mind if I upload my avatar to DeviantArt?
  17. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    Sure Shadowcry, just be sure to give me a bit of credit somewhere! :)

    On a side note: $5,000 more to $1 million for Starbound! :DD

    Hopefully I'll be able to have a penguin pet.
  18. Omega Shadowcry

    Omega Shadowcry Cosmic Narwhal

    Or a penguin-based avian.
  19. [​IMG]
    Holy cow that image was larger than I thought. Anyway, I'd appreciate if you did this please ;)
  20. Omega V

    Omega V Big Damn Hero

    Oh, that... Kid from Radiant Dawn GOLDEN SUN<<<. Alright, I'll add it to my ever-growing-list-of-sprites. ;)

    Again, when I can get to work on these sprites, they'll all be done in maybe a day or two. Expect this soon™, sometime around this weekend.

    EDIT: :p

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