RELEASED Old XNB Mod Updates for 1.11 (Requests Welcome)

Discussion in 'Mods' started by joyous.ariella, Dec 5, 2016.

  1. eemie

    eemie Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Yeah this is definitely because of an outdated 'season'_outdoorstilesheet.xnb, all that it takes to fix it is to copy paste the white fencing to a 1.1 season_outdoorsiltesheet version
      joyous.ariella and Milkheart like this.
    • Milkheart

      Milkheart Void-Bound Voyager

      Oh, so it should be easy for OP to fix, maybe? I have not the FAINTEST idea on how to do it myself, unfortunately!
      Also, I love your mods~ <3
        joyous.ariella and eemie like this.
      • eemie

        eemie Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

        Aw thanks!
          Milkheart likes this.
        • joyous.ariella

          joyous.ariella Space Penguin Leader

          I'll get on a fix now that I know which file needs updating lol.
          Also, I second the statement of loving @eemie's mods <3
            Milkheart likes this.
          • eemie

            eemie Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

            yay more thanks!
              Milkheart likes this.
            • Roskii Heiral

              Roskii Heiral Heliosphere

              I'm not sure if you're able to do .xwb files, but 1.1 broke

              It works, but there are a few missing sounds (notably Emily's parrot). The author hasn't been on since march, so I'm not hopeful xD. I was thinking about trying to learn to do it myself, but I noticed your thread and if you're already comfy doing it, I'd be super grateful to have it updated.
              • joyous.ariella

                joyous.ariella Space Penguin Leader

                Ok guys here's the White Picket Fence updated xnbs. If you guys could test it that would be great! I only have a save game in Fall (which seems to work) but my character is unmarried so I have no idea if the problem you had is still there. I also updated the "lighter grass" version of the Spring outdoor tilesheet.

                PS I finally got on the 7zip wagon so I can upload files directly to the thread for testing :p

                  Attached Files:

                • Milkheart

                  Milkheart Void-Bound Voyager

                  As far as I can tell, it's all fixed! I'm in Winter though, so I'll get back to you if something happens to the garden in Spring or Summer, since you've got Fall covered. :D Thank you so much!
                    joyous.ariella likes this.
                  • Coolwyngs

                    Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

                    Would you please add the bouncy cheast to this mod for me.
                    • FieryChaos

                      FieryChaos Cosmic Narwhal

                      The bouncy chest replaces the cursors file, and the picket fences are the outdoors tilesheets; they replace separate things so you can have both, no need to combine anything.

                      @joyous.ariella BTW, if you were using WinRAR, you can choose which format to compress to (.rar or .zip).
                        joyous.ariella likes this.
                      • joyous.ariella

                        joyous.ariella Space Penguin Leader

                        Lol I realized that after I made the zip and it showed up as a WinRar file. 7zip is better for zips though cuz I can just right click to add to a zip file. WinRar does that for rars but not zips as far as I can tell.
                        • FieryChaos

                          FieryChaos Cosmic Narwhal

                          2 ways, right click->"Add to archive..."->choose format here; or you can change the default to .zip by: opening WinRAR (or an archive to open WinRAR)->Options (at the top)->Settings->Compression tab->Create Default->change to ZIP (under Archive Format" and press OK. That way, when you right click, it will show "Add to (name).zip" right under "Add to archive..." instead of "Add to (name).rar".
                          • joyous.ariella

                            joyous.ariella Space Penguin Leader

                            Wow I herp derped lol
                              FieryChaos and eemie like this.
                            • Coolwyngs

                              Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

                              Could you fix the content files EVMCM and ASEMCM versions of this mod. the files and folders are. In TileSheets the crops.xnb file needs to be fixed. In maps springobjects.xnb file need to be fixed. lastly in Data the Crops.xnb, fruitTrees.xnb, mail.xnb, NPCGiftTastes.xnb, and ObjectInformation.xnb needs to be fixed. Can you fix it?
                              • Coolwyngs

                                Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

                                I personally would love if you could replace the vanilla fruit trees with Ruevian Creepy Fruit Trees when or if you fix the fruitTrees.xnb of the EVMCM and ASEMCM content files.
                                  Last edited: Dec 12, 2016
                                  joyous.ariella likes this.
                                • joyous.ariella

                                  joyous.ariella Space Penguin Leader

                                  I'll see what I can do. I was thinking of fixing the maps anyway to put in Rue's trees.
                                    Snarkypie and Roskii Heiral like this.
                                  • Coolwyngs

                                    Coolwyngs Giant Laser Beams

                                    Thank you very much I hope that you can fix this for all of us.
                                    • eemie

                                      eemie Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

                                      That might be harder than you think because there isn't a lot of space to work with on the map :-( especially around the bottom of the tree there's not much space
                                      • joyous.ariella

                                        joyous.ariella Space Penguin Leader

                                        I was just gonna change the tilesheets and see if that works lol.
                                          Roskii Heiral likes this.
                                        • LuthienNightwolf

                                          LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                                          Hey there, I'm maybe a bit late to the party but someone referred me to this thread saying you may be able to help me. I'm currently working on a new set of wallpaper and flooring, I've been editing the png but once I get done, I'm going to need help with repacking. I've never done any modding and I'm completely confused by all the xnb node stuff, so I wanted to see if I could just get someone to take the file from me when I'm done and pack it up for me. I will happily share what I've done with whoever wants it when it's ready, a lot of the patterns I've made for the wallpapers so far are quite cute. :3
                                            joyous.ariella and Roskii Heiral like this.

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