Modding Discussion OLD--POST IN NEW THREAD--Mod List, Modding Guides, and General Modding Discussion

Discussion in 'Mods' started by cantorsdust, Feb 27, 2016.

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  1. Jokkocze

    Jokkocze Intergalactic Tourist

    Has anyone possibly figured out if it might be possible to change the speed at which grass in the game spreads? The animals empty their pens in a day or two, and then you have to wait for another 2 weeks for it to grow back.. (Which feels a bit silly)

    I've looked around in various files, but I cant find anything that seems like it might be it :/
    • Non-Entity

      Non-Entity Intergalactic Tourist

      One of Penny's portrait's has an erroneous pixel next to her left eye.

      Also, the portraits in the right column of her PNG are off-center by a pixel (+1 to the right). I haven't tested the other characters in-game, but by looking at their PNG files, it seems Leah and Elliott have the same problem.

      Top is from left column, bottom is from right column.

      EDIT: Also, now that I look at the bottom portrait more closely, there also seems to be a wrong pixel above her left eye, the exact same flesh-colored one as the one I referred to in the previous image. Whereas the previous image seems to lack a pixel of her eyelashes, the bottom portrait in this image seems to lack shading in that pixel.
        Last edited: Mar 1, 2016
      • cantorsdust

        cantorsdust Existential Complex

        Found SA poster JerikTelorian (forum probably not work safe) with a partial professions list:

        Search for professions in your save file. These numbers correspond to the professions:

        0 - rancher
        1 - tiller
        6 - fisher
        7 - trapper
        12 - forester
        13 - forager
        18 - miner
        19 - geologist

        While I haven't tested it (still combat lv 4), I think the other two are

        24 - fighter
        25 - scout

        So to go from trapping to fishing, change the 7 to a 6, save, and bam.
        • Pinkishu

          Pinkishu Phantasmal Quasar

          Just tried:
          Though if some coordinates change, you might have to change the coordinates of where the Warps into other levels are :p
          • cantorsdust

            cantorsdust Existential Complex

            To confirm, this is a map expansion? Very exciting!
            • zipy199522

              zipy199522 Pangalactic Porcupine

              I'll look into it when I have a spare moment. I'll see if I can't figure out how the node generation works and write up some documentation. I'll have it up earliest tonight, hopefully by thursday at the latest.
              • Pinkishu

                Pinkishu Phantasmal Quasar

                I made the 3 layers bigger and then edited tiles into the new area, yes
                • Rupert484

                  Rupert484 Title Not Found

                  Thank you. I will look into it. I placed all of the sprites exactly the same spot as the old ones, so I'm wondering if the old portraits were off a pixel on the right side.
                  It will be fixed.
                  • laurabi

                    laurabi Subatomic Cosmonaut

                  • Irtan

                    Irtan Void-Bound Voyager

                    Is there any way to launch both StardewModdingAPI.exe and StardewInjector.exe or merge them so one will be able to both use mods that require API and options/commands from modified .exe like timescale and movement speed?
                    • cantorsdust

                      cantorsdust Existential Complex

                      And the full list, thanks to JerikTelorian for all the experimenting.

                      • krisbam

                        krisbam Void-Bound Voyager

                        It seems Stardew Injector does something to the movement speed even when it's set at "0", and even if that part of the .config is removed entirely. I'm assuming it's not updated for the new movement speed in the recent patch, because running is slower and the diagonal speed is actually faster in the injector.

                        If I change the speed using the injector, what values would most closely resemble the unmodded game's movement speed and does it break cutscenes at that value?
                        • Pinkishu

                          Pinkishu Phantasmal Quasar

                        • Pinkishu

                          Pinkishu Phantasmal Quasar

                          Anyone planning on adding skirt sprites? xD
                          • Non-Entity

                            Non-Entity Intergalactic Tourist

                            More feedback on the Overhauled Marriage Candidates mod, this time about sprites:

                            One of each of Maru's and Leah's sprite sets have wrong character height / head placement that don't match with the animation, so it ends up looking like the character's head is bobbing up and down when walking or stopping. The highlighted sprite of Leah's needs to match with the first in its row, and the highlighted sprite of Maru's needs to match with the last in its row.
                            [​IMG] [​IMG]

                            Also, this is just personal preference, but I think this shine on Abigail's hair looks a bit rough. Several of her sprites in the set have the same problem; only two colors are used for her hair and the transition between light and dark is not very smooth compared to her original sprites and compared to other characters' sprites, modded or not.
                            • Irtan

                              Irtan Void-Bound Voyager

                              I think that 1 is vanilla speed right now or at least close to that. I've set it on 1,3 and all cutscenes works fine for now, though maybe I just didn't get those that are really affected by faster movement.
                              • Mishakiara

                                Mishakiara Void-Bound Voyager

                                I haven't poked around in the files a lot, but does anybody know if it's possible to change the name displayed under the character portraits?
                                • Rupert484

                                  Rupert484 Title Not Found

                                  I've Updated Overhauled Marriage Candidates to version 1.1.2. Most small issue fixes here.

                                  Changes to 1.1.2-
                                  -Fixed some issues on eyebrows once again where color gradients weren't smooth
                                  -Fixed some pixels on near eyes and foreheads that were colored wrong
                                  -Fixed issue where half of the expressions were a pixel off to the right
                                  -Centered everyone to the best of my abilities
                                  -Updated preview picture to show newer versions of the portraits

                                  Download link:!4Q9FDJha!WO-FDnv9o4BAZbwq-loV-IbXnZIHmnjUMVqZfow2E7M

                                  Thank you. I just packaged and uploaded this version, so tomorrow I will look at what you addressed. I appreciate the feedback!

                                  I've changed the portraits, and GianTDIX handled the spriting.
                                    emirinsama likes this.
                                  • Galebourn

                                    Galebourn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    Not proud of this, but I wanted to make a younger version of Pam. Got the idea from a boob-mod of Penny. I'm pretty new to spriting, so don't expect anything well done.

                                    Edit: By the way, does anyone know why I get those white borders?
                                    It's a clean png and I packed it with xnb_node.
                                    Is there anything I can do to avoid this?
                                      Last edited: Mar 1, 2016
                                      James009 and Drogean like this.
                                    • sn00ze

                                      sn00ze Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                      Someone can help with this? I don't have any modding skills and i'm not sure if this could be done with just a number tweak or not?

                                      Best regards,

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