Okay, this is weird (virus in Personal Details page!?)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by EpicAdventure, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. EpicAdventure

    EpicAdventure Zero Gravity Genie

    I clicked at personal details, and an Avast (it's the AV I'm currently using) window appeared, telling me they blocked a threat to my computer.
    They blocked a trojan!
    Did the forum get hacked, somehow? If not, what happened? :(
    Anyone has any idea?
    • Ghostly Fox

      Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

      This might belong in the Chucklefish forum's support thread? Unless you mean something in the actual game of Stardew Valley triggered avast, in which case you would need to report it to the SDV Support subforum. Regardless of where it should go, it would probably help if you gave more details on what the report said.

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