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# of Members progress

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Twiganator, Apr 15, 2012.

  1. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

  2. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Ah the summer days just rushes past by you. I will look back on this sometimes in the future, and think just how quickly time had passed.
    Twiganator likes this.
  3. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

  4. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Yay! 92! Do you know what 92 means?

    It means....

    only 274 more days to go (counting leap year) until this glorious achievement of mankind is completed! People will rejoice at your accomplishments as they worship at your feet; you are truly the king of all mankind, once this woeful task is done.
    Twiganator likes this.
  5. Ashen

    Ashen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Over three months since you started this good work. Only nine more to go! 1/4th the way done keep it up man!
    Twiganator likes this.
  6. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    thanks man I really appreciate all your support. You da man :D
  7. Scruffy

    Scruffy Pangalactic Porcupine

    Excellent job, if I did it I would stop at day 5...
    Twiganator likes this.
  8. Sizzle

    Sizzle Phantasmal Quasar

    Your insane man! insane!
    Twiganator likes this.
  9. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

  10. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    3 month = 1 season. You only have 3 more seasons to go before this errand is done; Tiy have 1 more season (maximum) to go before having to release the finished game.
  11. nic329

    nic329 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i didnt realize how long i was gone till i looked at this thread :p glad to see this is still going. good work man.
  12. Stargazer

    Stargazer Existential Complex

  13. soxfan849

    soxfan849 Void-Bound Voyager

    Everything in life is a bit pointless. But the idea behind this thread is to track the number of members during the game's development just to see how the community grows over time. It's not just to show how many members there currently are.
    xXSunSlayerXx likes this.
  14. Loki ISP

    Loki ISP Human-Cyborg Relations

    Wow....this has to be like a job! Quite interesting....haven't seen this before.

    It built fast....and all prelaunch - tracking pre and post news releases, beta, etc.....backend analysis (if you choose) will be fascinating.

    Made me check my member number just out of curiosity too....94.....wow, I forgot how chaotic that first week was....
  15. Flying Potato of Doom

    Flying Potato of Doom Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If you can keep this up that will be awesome
  16. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

  17. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

  18. OmnipotentEntity

    OmnipotentEntity Code Monkey Forum Administrator

    This is still going? Insanity. :D
    Ashen, xXSunSlayerXx and Twiganator like this.
  19. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    Sorry for late post but forums were being edited
  20. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

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