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# of Members progress

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Twiganator, Apr 15, 2012.

  1. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    HOLY €#*$
  2. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    DAY 84 ok im having this problem where i forget to post but i get the count WTF brain WORK CORRECTLY.
    rest assured this will not happen again. (note this is yesterdays which was yesterdays but is now todays but still yesterdays )

    anyways... DAY 85
  3. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

  4. Nymz

    Nymz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Something tells me you wont be able to remember for a year. xD
  5. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    i trying my hardest :(
    YoungUnicorn likes this.
  6. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

  7. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Good luck with that. I hope you remember this well.
    Twiganator likes this.
  8. Occasion

    Occasion Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This thing of counting the days looks like the diary of a survivor from a zombie apocalypse...But it's nice,good luck with that!:up:
    YoungUnicorn likes this.
  9. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    DAY 88

    high # of members today nearly 50!
  10. Sirnak

    Sirnak Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I looked at your post. Then your user image. I laughed.

    Nice job counting, buddy. Keep it up! :)
  11. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    I sense an influx of new players coming on.... please oh please, let that be true.
    Twiganator likes this.
  12. Occasion

    Occasion Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    But Sirnak,this is not a zombie!Despite looking like one... ;)
  13. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    DAY 89

    almost 50 again i think this might be the new average
  14. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    At this rate, if we have 7 billion people on earth, assuming we have 6,875 members and growing at a rate of 50 people per day, we shall rule the world in....

    139,999,862.5 days.

    That's 383,561 years.

    (assuming no population change due to the apocalypse)
    Occasion and Twiganator like this.
  15. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

  16. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Of course, in the highly likely event that the apocalypse does not happen, human population might increase by more than 50 people per day. Of course, starbound would also have an increase in new people per day due to the ever-increasing population, but I lack the means to know how much the human population growth will increase to the end of time, and I also lack the means to know how the "new starbound member" influx rate would react to the ever-increasing population. I'm not going to graph that; on a side note I don't know how to get the equation even if I have all the facts.
    SpaceCap'n and Twiganator like this.
  17. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    lol you're awesome
  18. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    If i can have an equation for human population growth over time, and an equation for starbound member growth over time, I can plot a graph and see when they meet up. Then I will know when starbound will take over the globe. Ah, sweet, sweet sorrow; there's no way I can figure out the two equations.
    Twiganator likes this.
  19. Try finite difference calculation:geek:
  20. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Welp, I found the graph that signified population growth:


    Things are not looking too well; unless of course, we start promoting contraception. No one will ever expect contraception to be our tool for world domination! MUWAHAHAHAHAA!!

    But seriously though, contraception is a good thing.

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