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# of Members progress

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Twiganator, Apr 15, 2012.

  1. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    DAY 76 6,433
  2. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    We're 2/3 of the way to over 9,000! Some days, when I am old and retired (I'm 21 btw), I will look back on this forum, in this specific thread, and see how it all started so very small. I sincerely hope this game lives up to its reputation, and I sincerely hope famous let's players will do let's plays of this game so we could really grow as a community. We still have a long way to go before this game goes public, but I think I will rest easy knowing how epic it is now, and how epic it could become. Stay alert my friend; your woeful quest still stretches on, but we'll be rooting for ya.
    Twiganator likes this.
  3. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    DAY 77 6445
  4. MahBucket

    MahBucket Cosmic Narwhal

    Keep it up! :)
  5. WhatTheHax98

    WhatTheHax98 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Good luck with that! Nice job so far!
  6. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    Day 78 6469
  7. Sham

    Sham Spoony Bard

    Graph for June '12 and total running tally. Averages and totals are included. 100 posts huzzah!

    June '12 -
    Average # of New Members: 28.40
    June '12 Total # of New Members: 852
    Starbound Graph - June '12.png

    Running Total -
    Average # of New Members: 25.70
    Average # of New Members Per Month: 675.33
    Total # of New Members Since Recording: 2026
    Starbound Graph - Total #2.png
    Twiganator and x-adam1234-x like this.
  8. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    Day 79 6511 great job with the new graph ill add it tommorowto the main post with the past 5 days data .seeing as im still on vacation
  9. pwnload

    pwnload Big Damn Hero

    Your actually counting?
  10. Sham

    Sham Spoony Bard

    It's posted in the lower right on the main forum page.
  11. x-adam1234-x

    x-adam1234-x Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    keep going man :p
  12. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    DAY 80

    ok i'm back from vacation everything is now added back to the main post. oh and i took off the # of members joined after each month, shams charts do that now.
  13. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    Day 80. I thought I do this earlier... Guess not . But the stance thing is that there is a numbers on today's date. Jk. I did do this earlier I just forgot to post this post luckily I was chrcking before I went to sleep. Sorry for some bad spelling damn spell check on my phone
  14. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    DAY 81

    Happy 4th of July
  15. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

  16. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    You are a little over 1/3 of the way there. Keep it up bro, keep it up!
  17. Redtremordragon

    Redtremordragon Subatomic Cosmonaut

    :whoop: Keep Goin' ! :whoop:
  18. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    DAY 83

    6,666 ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  19. Eta

    Eta Pangalactic Porcupine

    6-6-(6+6): 6,666
  20. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    also, 12 = 6 + 6.....

    Eta likes this.

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