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# of Members progress

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Twiganator, Apr 15, 2012.

  1. Sham

    Sham Spoony Bard

    Twiganator likes this.
  2. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    thx oh and i won't be able to be too active this weeked because im at an out of town baseball tournament. the i leave again to florida on wednesday and be back on monday. but i'll still make the members count
  3. Sham

    Sham Spoony Bard

    As long as the count is consistent, it doesn't make any difference to me. You may want to wait an hour or so, or until tomorrow, before you take any charts. I am currently working on my final drafts and should have them done soon.

    The new charts are color coded by month. Each month is represented by the closest color I could achieve to that month's accepted birthstone without an actual side-by-side comparison.

    The new category chart provides a graphical representation of each month's total new member tally as well as an overall average.

    I will have June finalized in about week once the tallies are complete.

    Edit #2: New charts are uploaded! Please offer any and all feedback!

    April - Total New Members: 408, Average # of New Members per Day: 24.00
    Starbound Graph - April '12.png

    May - Total New Members: 766, Average # of New Members per Day: 24.71
    Starbound Graph - May '12.png

    Overall - Total New Members: 1174, Average # of New Members per Day: 24.36
    Starbound Graph - Total #1.png

    Monthly Tallies of New Members and Average Across all Months
    Starbound Graph - Monthly Tally #1.png
  4. A herpy derpy spiderp

    A herpy derpy spiderp Big Damn Hero

    I hope we get over at least 30k people before the end of the year.

    Also, what if some people are actually bots? Sorry just a thought.
  5. Sham

    Sham Spoony Bard

    Stop introducing independent variables to my data!
  6. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

  7. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

  8. Ashen

    Ashen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    18 more days until you are about 1/4th the way done keep up the good work.
    Twiganator likes this.
  9. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

  10. Sham

    Sham Spoony Bard

    4 more days to new charts!
    Twiganator likes this.
  11. FelixFB

    FelixFB Phantasmal Quasar

    Can't wait to see the spike when the game's released.
  12. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Don't you mean when a famous "let's player" features it in his/her/their video?
    Twiganator likes this.
  13. FelixFB

    FelixFB Phantasmal Quasar

  14. Ashen

    Ashen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Personally, I would like to see Jessi and TB do a lets play of Starbound like they did with Terraria.
  15. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Don't you mean Jessie and James?


    But seriously though, what's their YouTube channel so I can subscribe to them?
    Ashen and Twiganator like this.
  16. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

  17. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    DAY 75 6,403
  18. Ashen

    Ashen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    lol, here is TB's channel


    Fair warning do not watch for game play just enjoy for commentary.
  19. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Well, I usually jut listen to youtube videos anyways so there's no problem here!
    Ashen likes this.
  20. neoron909

    neoron909 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I would have gone insane calculating all these numbers. Nice work.

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