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# of Members progress

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Twiganator, Apr 15, 2012.

  1. x-adam1234-x

    x-adam1234-x Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    wow when i posted this there were 500+ people online ;D
  2. NotAnAnon

    NotAnAnon Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Agreed this will be interesting to see when its all over.
  3. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

  4. Valkoor Moonblood

    Valkoor Moonblood Existential Complex

    Only 304 days to go! Ha ha
  5. You're progress of this project is going pretty well so far. Keep it up!
  6. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

  7. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

  8. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

  9. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

  10. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

  11. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    DAY 67
    Ashen likes this.
  12. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    I feel like commenting just to let you know that we 're still watching, and that you are awesome for doing this. Keep this up guy!
  13. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    lol thx
  14. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    DAY 68
    Fuzions likes this.
  15. progressbar.png
    Maybe you could add a progress bar in the OP?
    This one is made via http://honorless.net/progressbar.htm
    (sadly I don't know how to add a HTML codes in the forum or is it even possible:blank:)
    Zailiner likes this.
  16. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    This sounds like a bit task!
    I suggest getting some back up incase you can't attend some day.

    It's not. What a shame.
  17. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    DAY 69...lol...
    Ashen, SpaceCap'n and Fuzions like this.
  18. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

  19. Sham

    Sham Spoony Bard

    Here are some very simple graphs I created with the data listed here so far. I plan to run parallel to the numbers being supplied and provide an update every month so long as people are interested. There are a few more data charts I intend to create when I have the time, but if anyone has any ideas please let me know!

    June is obviously not finished yet, but I wanted to give Twiganator and others time to provide feedback before my final monthly posting.

    I will gladly share my Excel sheet of data and charts upon request.

    If it is possible for a staff member to obtain accurate site information back to February when the forums first opened, I would be willing to integrate the data.

    Edit #1: Added "Total New Members" and "Average # of New Members per Day" above each graph thumbnail; plan to incorporate one of these figures into a new chart. They are directly related graphically, so making both would be pointless.

    Edit #2: Currently working on color coded charts for upload. These will be formatted for easier reference between individual months and the overall.

    April - Total New Members: 408, Average # of New Members per Day: 24.00
    Starbound Graph - April.png

    May - Total New Members: 766, Average # of New Members per Day: 24.71
    Starbound Graph - May.png

    June - Total New Members: 645, Average # of New Members per Day: 29.31
    Starbound Graph - June (Unfinished).png

    Overall - Total New Members: 1819, Average # of New Members per Day: 26.00
    Starbound Graph - Total #1.png
  20. Twiganator

    Twiganator The Count

    this my friend ... is amazing i support this greatly. i would be honored if you would allow me to add these charts (and the ones to follow) to the main post.

    and DAY 71

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