I can't believe there's actually a spooky thread tag Anyway, here we are, half a month away from Skeleton Awareness Day, woo! Halloween culture isn't very strong here so I'd really like to see what the spookier side of the planet has to offer. Are you already setting up props before summer break ends, or is October 2spooky4?u? Are you going to dress up for the occasion, have your house dressed up for the occasion, or dressing up AS your house for the occasion? What are you planning to do? What will you do? What are you doing? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?
I feel this needs posted at least once during the skeleton war. And of course the remix. I don't really do much for Halloween. Might go trick-or-treating with the kid when she goes with the school.
As a dweller of the swamp, I approve this spooky message. Nah, I don't dress up. more interested in the lights and decor folks put on their house.