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Nuevo Server HispanoHablante / New Spanish-speaking Server

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by kluex9874, Jan 29, 2020.

  1. kluex9874

    kluex9874 Void-Bound Voyager

    Hola pues yo ahora mismo ando creando un server con mods seria como un sucesor al antiguo server geozap (cerrado)

    por eso mismo hoy traigo un nuevo server hosteado (aun en pruebas) para starbound 1.4.4 con mods el modpack sera este


    para mas informacion sobre los futuros cambios y cosas que habra dentro


    Hello, I am now creating a server with mods, it would be like a successor to the old geozap server (closed)

    That is why today I bring a new server hosted (even in tests) for starbound 1.4.4 with mods the modpack will be this


    for more information about future changes and things that will be inside
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2020
  2. Pangaea

    Pangaea Forum Moderator

    Moved to Starbound multiplayer. Also note that according to forum rules posts must be in English or provide a translation. I've added one for you this time but it's your responsibility from now on.
  3. sebasauriox

    sebasauriox Space Hobo

    hola, quería saber si aún está abierto el servidor

    hi, i wanted to know if the server is still open
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2021
  4. albino3bc

    albino3bc Space Hobo

    [QUOTE = "sebasauriox, post: 3373668, member: 1365089"] hola, quería saber si aún está abierto el servidor

    hola, quería saber si el servidor aún está abierto [/ QUOTE]

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