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Bug/Issue NPC schedule bugs

Discussion in 'Support' started by GreenWombat, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. GreenWombat

    GreenWombat Cosmic Narwhal

    I've been running into some Npc schedule issues in my game lately. Primarily being that on some days they will just completely ignore where they are supposed to be.

    I will see Jas and Vincent doing lessons at the library on their own, Caroline going out to the town square to talk to Jodi (except Jodi isn't there), and on one occasion Gus was out of the saloon for most of the afternoon while it was supposed to be open and only showed up again after Emily had already started working.
    • Timedye

      Timedye Subatomic Cosmonaut

      Some NPCs have "exceptions" on certain days, during certain seasons. Have you checked the Stardew Valley Wiki against the character to see if their odd behavior syncs up with an exception?
      • GreenWombat

        GreenWombat Cosmic Narwhal

        I did check just in case but these wouldn't be exceptions. Penny isn't going to have an exception where Vincent and Jas do their tutoring without her and it makes no sense for the bar to be open and Emily to be working with Gus not there.

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