November 3rd - Dungeon Shield Generator Implementation

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

  2. Ricebot

    Ricebot Big Damn Hero

    May I know what track from the Starbound OST was playing in the video?
  3. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    Thanks for that. I was going to quote the codex but couldn't be arsed to do it from my phone.

    Anyway, the human player had a crew once, so unless it's a motley crew that bandied together to flee the planet at such short notice and hijacked a ship in the confusion, the ship most likely belonged to you in the first place.

    The nice thing is, the lore doesn't cover such details, so feel free to fill the blanks with your own story. :D

    Edit: well it IS your ship now, regardless. If it is stolen, the owner is most likely dead...

    Edit2: also your human character is definitely civilian, at least in the current stable build. Notice how human soldiers from the USCM shoot you on sight.

    Also, if you inspect some objects from the USCM with a human character, he will make several different remarks, ranging from ho-rahh!!! to once declining membership due to certain health concerns involving being "allergic to getting shot at".
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2014
  4. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    @BloodyFingers, I don't think any of the human PC's inspection lines can be trusted.
  5. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    It's what we've got. I agree, they can be rather bipolar regarding their own military...

    Also, the human race is known across the stars as trolls. I mean, sure, that's the nicest trait you could ever hope to carry forth into space. Not going to make any enemies at all, nope. No, sir.

    behave, sssilly thing!

    I lol'd when I heard that! :lmao:
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2014
  6. FormalRiceFarmr

    FormalRiceFarmr Big Damn Hero

    anyone manage to spawn the shield-gen in the knightly build?
  7. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    I'm about to.
  8. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    Milord? Mayhaps thou hath mistaken aught?

    Curse thee Tapatalk! For such a chance for a Monthy Python jest doth eluded me!!
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2014
    FormalRiceFarmr likes this.
  9. FormalRiceFarmr

    FormalRiceFarmr Big Damn Hero

    BloodyFingers likes this.
  10. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    You can't /spawnitem a functional generator because of the line "objectItem" : "circuitboard",. I put a copy of shieldgenerator.object in my scrathpad mod that didn't have this line... as long as it's turned on, I find myself unable to manipulate the shed I made to put it in:
  11. FormalRiceFarmr

    FormalRiceFarmr Big Damn Hero

    ohman i love this so much
  12. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    To elaborate: shieldgenerator is just a big red wallswitch. Humangenerator is the actual machine. Both work the same way, though, and both have that line, "objectItem" : "circuitboard", that makes them unspawnable. referencegenerator looks like humangenerator, but has switch.lua as its script. The other two use shieldgenerator.lua instead. That's why the only shieldgen you can /spawnitem is the only one that is useless.
    RatixFarrence likes this.
  13. FormalRiceFarmr

    FormalRiceFarmr Big Damn Hero

    this has so much potential for base protection. I'm not quite sure how it defines its area, any ideas? Seems to be based on wall tiles and room volume
  14. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Dungeon ID, bro. When placed, the lua script's init() function checks what the tile it's placed at has as its dungeon ID, then remembers that (self.dungeonId = world.dungeonId(entity.position())). Toggling state toggles tile protection for that ID (world.setTileProtection(self.dungeonId, storage.state)).
  15. metadept

    metadept Mostly Harmless Codesman

    Yeah, allowing players to place shield generators would be extremely problematic for obvious reasons. It's easy to add your own shield generators as a mod, though.

    You can also use the admin commands to set/unset the tile protection on specific IDs, e.g.
    /settileprotection 65535 true
    RatixFarrence and Darklight like this.
  16. RatixFarrence

    RatixFarrence Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thanks for the clarification. I needed to know this as well.
  17. Alfretron

    Alfretron Void-Bound Voyager

    It's nice to know that dungeons won't always be just hack'n'slash like most games, but actually have some element of puzzle-solving and platforming. :D
  18. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

  19. Andrek79

    Andrek79 Orbital Explorer

    I had hoped to test it out in the nightly build and see how far I could get in the game. I can't seem to find a switch that deactivates the shield generator in either of the 2 duplicate (ie they are the same on 2 different moons) bases. Has anyone else tried to explore this and have you been able to find the switch that allows you to acquire moon stones? I know that nightly builds will have many problems, and am laughing at what seems like an overlooked bug LoL

    I have tried to use the wiring tool (/admin to obtain it) to see if I could find any switches that were wired to something that looked like a generator.

    The only switch where there were 2-3 'boss' type of entities doesn't connect to anything near the end of the dungeon.I might just be looking in the wrong part of the map though. This is a great update to the game and makes exploration that much more challenging :D
  20. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    You know, you can craft the wiring tool.. :l

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