November 3rd - Dungeon Shield Generator Implementation

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. thestalkinghead

    thestalkinghead Big Damn Hero

    the loot better be EPIC!!1!

    looks cool though
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2014
  2. jjk9

    jjk9 Void-Bound Voyager

    Just a couple of small ideas, the red lights to the sides of the generator should each turn on individually as soon as you've activated one of the switches to show which side you've done and make it have more of an impact when you run across to switch the other. Instead of the generator just going dark when destroyed, it needs to be lit and the sprite replaced by a badly damaged version, even better if the light is provided by little flames coming from large cracks in the device. Finally as others have said, locked doors need some indication that they are locked.
    korvas and Higuera like this.
  3. claudekennilol

    claudekennilol Space Kumquat

    Good grief that looks awesome. So much more depth and life to an empty dungeon from these subtle changes.
  4. MithranArkanere

    MithranArkanere Space Kumquat

    Will we be able to get the protection shield generators and use them ourselves?
  5. Efimero

    Efimero Aquatic Astronaut

    You guys really need a switch object that can act as a hub to all that circuitry inside a single tile. Following this kind of wirng is madness.
    Higuera likes this.
  6. The wire rooms are kinda essential. If it were scripted to a single box, you can't disassemble it xD. Also, I've built wiring boxes that complicated for some of my bases. Lot's of central lighting and puzzle doors.
  7. TheLoanArranger

    TheLoanArranger Ketchup Robot

    A sound effect indicating a locked door might be better, I think.
    Ecleptic likes this.
  8. Donna-Jones

    Donna-Jones Void-Bound Voyager

    is there actually aaaany idea about a release date ? ! I mean Guys the nightly builds okay but you let all those that dont join the nightly builds just sit there like idiots maybe reading all those cool stuff you ant to add but nothing ! --- Dont you think its waaaaaay time to send a general update ?! For all the Players that at least payed the game and ae waiting deperatly for an update ??!! Also We (the not nicghtly build update users) want to know whats about the worlds and builds we already have ?????????!!!!!
    the !final! update will make all tthat gone history or not ? Its no fun even if it takes longer and longer to play and build and explore and loot stuff by knowing its all be gone once the "final" update goes onlie !!! SERIOUSLY we DEMAND at least ANSWER !!! You guys are teasing now for almost a FULL YEAR !!!! I am about to wnt my Money back even if I have to buy the game again ... but THIS is zero okay anymore !
  9. Schmidt

    Schmidt Intergalactic Tourist

  10. YOU demand an answer. I'm fine in Ambiguity Town.

    If you want to request a refund, contact, but you aren't going to get it.

    PS. Spell check is your friend.
    Fatal Glitch likes this.
  11. kfaj

    kfaj Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Looks amazing! Can't wait for you guys to make more updates! The more stuff you guys post the more excited I get! :D
  12. Higuera

    Higuera Cosmic Narwhal

    I'll quote this from the last dev blog to answer your problem...
    and they're trying to get the last of the content in,INCLUDING FULL OCEAN BIOMES,and then it'll go to unstable when its in a playable state,then the bug purges begin,then stable when NEARLY EVERY LAST BUG IS GONE
    (want to blame? Blame the raging people who screamed at the devs for every little bug)
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2014
    Kawa likes this.
  13. [pixelmonster]

    [pixelmonster] Big Damn Hero

    Darnit Armagon! Foolproofing the tech dungeon!
    I am looking forward to the challenge! this will make dungeons more than pixel containers and digging through dirt...

    Also really hoping that the Apex theme is implemented in the game, and not just edited in to the video... I heard it first on SoundCloud and it is amazing along with the floran, novakid and glitch theme... well done Curtis Schweitzer
  14. Silver200x

    Silver200x Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Donna you got what you paid for , Early Access to Starbound "during" development, yes your player and your world will be invalid , the hard work and efforts of these guys is tremendous,
    if I handed you an IDE and said create what they have done, there is a high probability you couldnt do it, or take a fair few years to gain the skills required to create such an A+ game,
    they take notice of our comments im sure they enjoy reading our little rants and raves and phrases, to them, the programming to do what today's blog has given is tremendous, I have studied C++ for 6months and no closer to creating my dream so hats off to these guys.

    as for demanding lol :p im sure they will say in there minds go suck an EGG! :p
    Fatal Glitch and Higuera like this.
  15. mroosa

    mroosa Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Nice, my only regret, would be to destroy something so nice... Its a shame you cannot simply turn on/off once you finish adding it to the game. I would rather leave the shield intact, so I could potentially return to the station and use it as a base.

    I understand the limitations within multiplayer, and the likelihood this will not carry over to a crafting recipe for fear of griefing, but a great start none-the-less.
    Higuera likes this.
  16. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    beautiful... Just f***ing beautiful...
  17. Davidius

    Davidius Void-Bound Voyager

    Paying for the electric bill must be a pain in that place.
    ODSTNICK likes this.

    ODSTNICK Big Damn Hero

    I heard a new human damage sounds[DOUBLEPOST=1415053952][/DOUBLEPOST]
    hahaha that's true
  19. WispHollow

    WispHollow Orbital Explorer

    I think it would be cool if when you turned the power back on, or smashed the generator, that apex would start spawning from those incubation tubes in the last room you visited. Maybe they would keep spawning until you broke them.
  20. XRiZUX

    XRiZUX Spaceman Spiff

    This looks nice, but what happens if the player has a wiring tool, couldn't the player then head straight for the generator instead?

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