November 3rd - Dungeon Shield Generator Implementation

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. CadeStirling

    CadeStirling Subatomic Cosmonaut

    oooo i like that idea lots :D gotta love ambience <3
    Entomoligist and Guthrie28 like this.
  2. Campaigner

    Campaigner Giant Laser Beams

    I think the last room, after smashing the generator, should fade in, not just go from off to on. Like a flickering effect when turning on an old fluorescent light.
    Guthrie28 likes this.
  3. Mystify

    Mystify Void-Bound Voyager

    I like it. I like it alot. One suggestion though- there should be a visual indicator as to whether a door is unlocked or not.
  4. willpill35

    willpill35 Subatomic Cosmonaut

  5. Velociraptor

    Velociraptor Void-Bound Voyager

    I really hope the song in the video will be ingame. But still HOLY CRAP
  6. Blake81

    Blake81 Cosmic Narwhal

    This looks great! Although what puzzles me most is how will be able to use this for our bases.

    Because if the block immunity works based on the blocks' ID string, then our bases (which will be most likely built from blocks coming from many different sources), will most likely not have the same ID String on all their blocks...

    Hope you guys find a way to work that around.
  7. SimpleTrooper

    SimpleTrooper Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's useful to know, but I wonder what if we'll place some blocks with that ID close enough to the door will we be able to remove our blocks and freely enter the dungeon?

    I remember the dungeons we have... It's time to say goodbye to them! They changed much... And this is so awsome!
    And I hope Glitch guards in tier 10 Glitch Castle will not kill you in two shoots in the best armor with their crossbows!;)
  8. Atheon

    Atheon Orbital Explorer

    That video looks fantastic. It give us a nice idea of what is coming to dungeons in SB. Your efforts are much appreciated, especially after seeing that unholy macaroni :)p) you got there. I got a headache just looking at it, lord forbid trying to understand it... :lickitung:
  9. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    Well I am still sure that I probably won't be able to do that right away. That one was tough even before this. Oh well there are other dungeons, hopefully a bit easier than this one. Not too fond of the obstacle course type dungeons that are heavy on the maneuvering character position. I'm sure there will be many types, after all variety is the spice of ... The imagination that people have come up with.

    I'd imagine eventually they will come up with something. I can see one way they could go about it, and that is character id; as in character name as a string is referenced. That way it would be based upon character name; although I also imagine their might be a second branch to that incase of duplicate names to have the variation. Well sounds simple but not really when coded out. Else I would think it may be based on user id, like ip or something, with extra protocol of determining real/fake ip; as in knowing if it is actually coming from that ip.

    The latter bit would be a bit more complex, especially with the extra security; if needed. Other than that, I am unsure of off hand how else they could. After all the blocks are kind of in a way already designated as player placed; probably not directly on the blocks though, so that may need some work. At least if I remember correctly, no matter they will think of something; one thing at a time. :)
  10. Knight9910

    Knight9910 Existential Complex

    The thing I like about this is it proves the Apex platformer dungeons are impossible to do legitimately. :p They had to turn on invincibility just to get through the left branch (seriously, they took like 500 damage or something over the whole thing) and then edit out the entire right branch to make it look like it was actually possible. :p
  11. Ecleptic

    Ecleptic Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That looks really awesome! I have a request though! When doors are locked could they be a different color or darker or something? Just a little easier to notice? While watching I got a little confused as to why she wasn't going through the doors before it dawned that the doors were locked. Anything we can do about that?
    Higuera likes this.
  12. Unclever title

    Unclever title Cosmic Narwhal

    I love this! What's even more interesting is (based on those screenshots) the wiring actually exists in a hidden inaccessible room in the dungeon, well inaccessible until you take out the shield generator.
    So we'll also be able to harvest the logic gates in addition to the other dungeon elements.

    That really adds to complex dungeon design though. Wouldn't it be easier to add something like an FPGA to starbound. Ideally it would take a varying number of inputs and outputs the size of the object would scale accordingly so the wiring isn't terrible, or you could just have a standard size with a limited number of inputs/outputs requiring the player to cascade FPGAs if they need more.

    I'm envisioning the FPGA as having an interface that accepts the placement of other gates to create logic circuits or uses lua scripts with some limited functionality. Heck you could even require those placed gates to be in the player's inventory and consume them when programming the FPGA or returning them when clearing the FPGA or a mixture of both when reprogramming the FPGA, thus making it cost as much as the physical wiring but with a cleaner appearance, and possibly less laggy in servers. (Don't know how the gate code is run in the engine)

    Speaking from experience they're definitely not impossible to do legitimately. It just takes patience and precision.

    And really it's not hard to just take the time to heal up after you take damage, if you've got bandages, stims or the right food items with you, but that makes for a longer more boring video when you're trying to just demonstrate the wiring and shield generator.
  13. Nujuju299

    Nujuju299 Big Damn Hero

    Just a thought, while you're working on dungeons that use so many logic gates, and I may be wrong in my assumption that you don't need quite so many, but why not add a side room with a door that's basically permanently locked, maybe until or even still when the shield generator is down? That way you can say "This is the wiring room" Or "Engineering" of sorts so you can easily get into it, legitimately, without having to break apart the floor to do so. The room being your logic gates and switches of course. :p
    Fatal Glitch likes this.
  14. Karramellie

    Karramellie Void-Bound Voyager

    Man, I love the whole shield generator concept!
    Although after watching that video, i'm very curious, is it possible to create or obtain our own shield generators for personal use? for say, a large base in pvp, or your own shield even?

    man I love this game
  15. Entomoligist

    Entomoligist Big Damn Hero

  16. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    You're not exactly the first to ask that. It'd certainly make a reasonable anti-griefing measure if you could -- assuming if player X places a generator it'll affect tiles marked as placed by X and that player can still edit their own stuff as if the generator isn't there.

    Or something.
  17. I really think this would play well with a planet claiming system, first person to place a generator claims the planet. All blocks placed by the owner can be locked shielded, and when the shield is up, other people can't place blocks.
  18. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine


    Exactly how long did it take you to do all that wiring?
  19. Jafetgx

    Jafetgx Phantasmal Quasar

    Nice to know even devs have issues with those darned apex platforming rooms... :rofl: though i always die after my 3rd zap...
  20. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    That song is the official Apex theme

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