Modding Help No more multi-mods?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by FormalRiceFarmr, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. FormalRiceFarmr

    FormalRiceFarmr Big Damn Hero

    I used to upkeep a mod pack for some friends that contained many mod folders and pak files all in one mod folder, just requiring a modinfo for each folder or pak. Now i find that only one modinfo file will read, no matter what i try. Has this mechanic been limited to one modinfo file per folder in starbound/mods ? This is very limiting on the ability to create mod packs. Is there some way around this? Am I just crazy and making some noob mistake from not modding in months?
  2. prodamn

    prodamn Spaceman Spiff

    probably. #helpfulpostoftheyear!

    jokes aside, sounds odd, are all mods in seperate folder with seperate modinfo files ?

    maybe try to smack em all into 1 singel folder and with only 1 modinfo file, like one giant mod.
  3. FormalRiceFarmr

    FormalRiceFarmr Big Damn Hero

    It's a folder that goes in the starbound/mods directory with a ton of modinfo files inside and also pak/folders. I took all out and tried adding two mods to the folder, but only can get one at a time working, but either one will work. Tried both pak and modpak, but the same results. If I merge them into one super mod, that defeats the purpose. The setup I have been using is a ton of individual mods (similar how the pilch science station/modular base used to work, but doesn't now) so that I can use SVN to keep every mod pack user constantly up to date.

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