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No Mayor Lewis Statue?

Discussion in 'Support' started by 11eLeVeN11, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. 11eLeVeN11

    11eLeVeN11 Space Hobo

    I've attempted getting the Mayor Lewis Statue from behind his house after following the note and I cannot find it. I have tried everything, googled and looked through the forums. Can anyone help?
    • 11eLeVeN11

      11eLeVeN11 Space Hobo

      Oh and its on CO-OP
      • Tartara

        Tartara Space Hobo

        I'm experiencing the same issue too. I've tried with tools, without tools, waiting until seasons change and spending multiple days clicking around like a maniac. Googling it a few others have this problem too, but I haven't heard of a fix yet :(
        • Hakuna Matata

          Hakuna Matata Big Damn Hero

          I’m getting the same thing on single player.
          I did get it in a previous beta play through but on this new farm I just haven’t been able to get it.
          • Odd Farmer

            Odd Farmer Big Damn Hero

            Same here. I followed the directions of the note after finding it in single player, no statue.

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