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News on the next patch:

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by The Observer, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. sankto

    sankto Pangalactic Porcupine

    I haven't heard of a single one complaining about the potential world wipe regarding this news. Asking questions about it, yeah sure. Whining? nope.
    Kabu likes this.
  2. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    c'mon now, you expect people to miss the slightest chance to say: "IT'S A BETAAAAAAA!"?
    Grimmturd likes this.
  3. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    I wipe my universe folder anyway ever 5 minutes and they want to wipe for me!?
    How dare they. People need to stop caring about wipes, or this game will never get done
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2014
  4. thefrozenone

    thefrozenone Master Chief

    I never said people whined about it. Its just that every single time a wipe is (potentially) announced there are always those who act like it is some great surprise or remotely a big deal; saving items, backing worlds up, worrying about losing progress, etc. It shouldn't even be an issue at this point. In fact, it should be expected.
  5. Fluff

    Fluff Title Not Found

    I haven't here, drop over to reddit though if you want to see whining.
    I've seen people already saying they are done with this game because "CF are liars and they are done wasting their time on a game that has wipes"
  6. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    isnt that the very reason why they supposedly avoid us here?
  7. buttwind

    buttwind Void-Bound Voyager

    I like that they post information about the updates and the future of the game everywhere /but/ the official forums well before it happens...
    hrafnkel likes this.
  8. Akado

    Akado Oxygen Tank

    To be fair, we don't know the reason why they don't post here, because, well, they don't post here =P
    Fluff and D-16 like this.
  9. BurntPhoenix

    BurntPhoenix Industrial Terraformer

    I'm surprised that everyone's glossed over "new death animations". I remember seeing suggestions threads on that just a month ago. This means cf is actually listening to us. Which is pretty cool.
    sankto likes this.
  10. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    Not really glossed over here, it is just that is a minor one that is welcome to hear of. The major ones I am awaiting to see are not even in this one... but I am patiently awaiting them, as they piece together the parts & covers to the overall game. So for me it is just noted...:D
  11. enthusedpanda

    enthusedpanda Pangalactic Porcupine

    How does one safely back up their world?
  12. Akado

    Akado Oxygen Tank

    By enlisting the help of a flag-waving human, and activating their blinkers and a repeating "BEEP" sound. While wearing a seat belt, of course.

    Or, by backing up the "universe" folder within the .....\steamapps\common\Starbound\ folder. I think that's where it is?
    BurntPhoenix, The | Suit and Tamorr like this.
  13. hrafnkel

    hrafnkel Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Chucklefish don't exactly give a damn about these forums, that much has been repeatedly proven. No need to beat a dead horse.

    Update sounds neat but file me in the "I'll believe it when I see it" camp, when it comes to those "daily updates."
  14. Xanirus

    Xanirus Ketchup Robot

    Your first two sentences contradict each other, and are obviously refering to my post, (keyword: back ups) so please stop trying to hide it. I have been playing the game since beta release and I have never complained about wipes. I am only now simply inqiring about back ups only because Tiy has mentioned it like it was a way to preserve existing planets through an updated universe structure. If the back up doesn't work, no bigge...jeez...I say ONE thing after all this time and bam.....
    Kabu likes this.
  15. pop-yotheweird

    pop-yotheweird Ketchup Robot

    okay, so, you're telling me to get all the cool stuff from my house and store it in my ship until wipe is over?
    or will this result in a ship wipe as well? I admit, I'm half paying attention.
  16. Solpel

    Solpel Poptop Tamer

    There should be no more player/ship wipes going forward(anything could happen though, lots of beta left :p ). So yes, moving stuff to your ship should be safe. However the universe wipe is NOT happening with this upcoming patch, Tiy clearly stated that it WILL happen in the future, but not until they've finalized the universe layout. I'm assuming once thats ready to go they will warn us again it's going to happen. Tiy also mentioned you should be able to backup your worlds as well, though who knows what sort of wonkiness that might cause on those worlds.
  17. DraconX

    DraconX Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Is there any info when patch will be applied ?
  18. Fluff

    Fluff Title Not Found

    Sometime between now and the end of man kind.
  19. ___MeRliN___

    ___MeRliN___ Guest

    Wondering if I should take bets on the ETA accuracy this time... if there will be an ETA ;)

    Nah they should take their time to do these necessary "engine changes" or whatever thats called ^^
  20. Fresh Ears

    Fresh Ears Big Damn Hero

    It sounded to me like they're doing the "universe" version of the last patch. Basically they're making it so that universe patches in the future won't wipe ours if we don't want them to. There is no wipe for this patch, but they are expecting one final one in the future. This patch will apparently let us back up our universes/worlds so we don't lose them in the looming final wipe to come. Basically:

    sb there is no need.png
    Skunkie, Tamorr and Risukage like this.

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