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News on the next patch:

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by The Observer, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. M C

    M C Parsec Taste Tester

    also chocolate for dogs... pretty cruel there.
  2. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    unless your dog is a chocoholic...><

    Had a dotson that would "get" the chocolates from my sister. She didn't give him them, he literally had a habbit of sniffing them out and having his rush. lol

    chocolate is fine in moderation, as long as it is not dark chocolate, but we would not give on purpose. It is common misconception that all chocolate is bad for critters, but really it is the richest and darkest ones that would do harm. Although I wouldn't suggest feeding them chocolate, as that is not right for their diet they need.

    Anyway onto what the OP is about: It is nice to see many things, especially what @SweFox mentioned, although not quite understanding that feature in full. Glad to hear valentine stuffs are going in, since I can't get any of last xmas stuff in vanilla at the moment. I like the holiday stuffs.:D

    More confused on the engine update thing for tech > armor one. Not sure what that one is about...hmm...
  3. QShadow

    QShadow Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Projectile changes

    What does this mean? What kind of changes?
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2014
    Grimmturd likes this.
  4. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    About the script thing. If you've seen OKEA mod which is mindblowing GOOD! You can interact will all the furnitures such as bathtub etc. Being able to create an object and make it do stuff is rad.

    The armor thingy. Just imagine finding armor with abilities I guess? A tech integrated in the armor itself.
    Zouleena and Tamorr like this.
  5. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    Oh ok... that clears it up a bit, thanks. Never saw that mod, but you described it well enough, as it was the scripting part I was not completely understanding; till now.

    As for the armor thing, that might have to be something I would have to see in order to understand, but at least that gives an idea to it. lol

    Thank you. :D
  6. DrunkenHadozee

    DrunkenHadozee Void-Bound Voyager

    Does that mean my Apex space hobo (the Hobominable Snowman) can finally sleep on a Dirty Mattress (which can't be used as a bed ATM) ? He has a Barrel Fire, and he really needs theme-appropriate sleeping accommodations.
  7. Akado

    Akado Oxygen Tank

    I wonder if the armor thing is their way of implementing racial abilities? If you get all 3 racial armors, you "equip" a unique tech?
    Tamorr likes this.
  8. sankto

    sankto Pangalactic Porcupine

  9. Archer

    Archer Spaceman Spiff

    Assuming there's valentine's day stuff in it, they would release it soon-ish, right? Or is it out already?
  10. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    very good question... Might be that they are thinking multi-use in techs in a different way as well as the way the initially have set out to do. Either way, just not enough info to really delve into much precise thought. Right now it is more of speculation in that respects; reason why I would have to see for myself on this one...hmm.... but still all good to hold & have ideas of what is possibly going to mean. the more speculation the less of a surprise in that respect, then again there really isn't much that does surprise me in that way.

    Like you said could be the racial armor they have in mind, among other things...
  11. Homey C-Dawg

    Homey C-Dawg Master Chief

    They're changing the microphone? :O
  12. Cipherstar

    Cipherstar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So, when is this update coming? It's talking about Valentines stuff. So I would assume it'd be out by now.

    I too have a lot of mods, and that "Daily Updates" thing doesn't sound promising. I might abandon mods until it's fully released at that rate and just play with the dailies.
  13. Skunkie

    Skunkie Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think the daily updates things are small stuff like items and decorations and weapons. They're likely not going to update the version number just because they added a vase.

    The version updates will probably be only when they add new engine coding and other big changes such as making spears attack directionally which I am super excited for (but have no idea when it'll be coded in).
    sankto likes this.
  14. Xanirus

    Xanirus Ketchup Robot

    "There will likely be one more world wipe some time in the future when we finalize the universe layout. This won't include a character wipe though and you can still backup your worlds."

    Wait....what is this implying? We could always backup our worlds, but that's usually done when you add huge game-altering mods. Won't an update/world wipe make the back up useless?
  15. Archer

    Archer Spaceman Spiff

    Not always, you could for example back up the planet you've built your home on or something, or in case of servers, the spawn planet.
  16. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    chocolate is actually toxic to humans, too. it's just it takes more chocolate than you can comfortably consume to actually affect you.
    Risukage, krylo and Tamorr like this.
  17. Zuvaii

    Zuvaii Heliosphere

    Anything in large amounts is toxic, even water. Remember hearing about what woman who died from water poisoning trying to win a Wii for some radio contest?
    Tamorr and Archer like this.
  18. thefrozenone

    thefrozenone Master Chief

    I don't understand why some people get so annoyed by world/character wipes. Did they not read the beta roadmap? If your saves are that important to you, then wait until stage 2.

    STAGE 1:

    DO take part in this stage if:

    - You enjoy testing buggy and unfinished code

    - You enjoy providing feedback

    - You want to leave your mark on the game

    - You just can’t wait any longer
    DO NOT take part in this stage if:

    - Bugs infuriate you

    - You don’t like spoilers

    - You can’t stand losing your save

    - You want the full Starbound ‘experience’ the first time you play.
  19. Grimmturd

    Grimmturd Cosmic Narwhal

    Everyone needs to vent once in a while. Everyone has something to complain about. Usually nobody wants to listen, but there it is. Misery loves company.
  20. Akado

    Akado Oxygen Tank


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