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Server Discussion Newby looking for friends to play Starbound with!

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by TheMasqueraider, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. TheMasqueraider

    TheMasqueraider Master Chief

    Greetings everyone!

    I'm still really new to Starbound and would love to get more into it, but I prefer playing an game with others since its always more fun that way :D

    Anyways, hit me up if you're a newbie like me or experienced enough to teach me (I'm sure there's a Sempai joke to be made somewhere...)
    I look forward to exploring the Galaxy with you all!

    - The Masqueraider
    Lavranzo likes this.
  2. MissPanderp

    MissPanderp Lucky Number 13

    Heyyooo. Not a noob, I played for a few months when the beta first came out, but dropped it. I recently got back in to it, though! I'm willing to teach what I remember and learn with you on everything that's been added :) hmu here or steam. Steam name is plaino17

    EDIT: My steam should be MissPanderp
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2016
    Lavranzo likes this.
  3. TheMasqueraider

    TheMasqueraider Master Chief

    That sounds awesome, I would add you on steam but it's telling me you don't exist hahah my steam name is: TheMasqueraider
  4. dualinfinities

    dualinfinities Pangalactic Porcupine

    I've been around since the beginning, but haven't had much opportunity to play with people. wouldn't mind joining you guys if that's cool with you.
  5. TheMasqueraider

    TheMasqueraider Master Chief

    I have no objections to you or anyone joining me/us (who ever "us" will be) in any game.
  6. newcomer3

    newcomer3 Big Damn Hero

    If you don't mind failures in the most hilarious ways, I would enjoy playing with a group. My steam username is BallisticMissile.
  7. MissPanderp

    MissPanderp Lucky Number 13

    You're not truly playing a game if you can't manage to die in the most ridiculous ways lol.
  8. Knight-Reign

    Knight-Reign Aquatic Astronaut

    I just got the game yesterday and I was hoping to find a group of people to play with! I'd be glad to hop on board.
  9. newcomer3

    newcomer3 Big Damn Hero

    So is there a server we will be playing on, or what?
  10. nathan10007

    nathan10007 Lucky Number 13

    Me and and another person here have already started playing, this game is great with friends. You can add me on skype- yourusualpcgamer or steam- http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198157728745/ and I'll give you the server info. Hope to see some of you there ^-^
    Yammy likes this.
  11. Lavranzo

    Lavranzo Pangalactic Porcupine

    Am I too late to the party? I remember seeing you somewhere Masqueraider, and I do remember you as being friendly in some sort of way, so I'm just gonna add that I'm interested in this as well! I'm not exactly 'new' (90 hours on SB,) but I'm bad. I'm like that in most games: I do the first missions/tiers, then I start from the beginning again. Never got beyond steel-tier in those 90 hours of playing :p

    Lavranzo is my steam name as well, add me if you want! :)
  12. Solar313

    Solar313 Fat Man

    Add me! I have aegisalt armor and LESS than 90 hours! My steam name is Solar3131!!!!!!!
    Lavranzo likes this.
  13. Lavranzo

    Lavranzo Pangalactic Porcupine

    y u no accept? :nurusad:
  14. Solar313

    Solar313 Fat Man

    I accepted
    Lavranzo likes this.
  15. kaitokidd1440

    kaitokidd1440 Space Hobo

    very new so having a friend or 2 to play with would be really fun ^o.o^
  16. KaosC57

    KaosC57 Phantasmal Quasar

    Yea, I'm not "new" to Starbound as a whole, I played several of the Betas, but I got bored cause I didn't have a good fun group of people to play with... Add me on steam at Skiptrace Starbound (Yes, I named part of my name after the game, it started back in SW:ToR when I needed a Legacy Name, so I did the Starbound Legacy)
  17. XXXBlackHammerXXX

    XXXBlackHammerXXX Aquatic Astronaut

    Ya'll got room for a experienced glitch doom lord ? This seems like a solid sqaud and it's a cold ass universe out there i'd like to join this space team I added L so hopefully ill see you guys in game.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2016
    newcomer3 likes this.
  18. newcomer3

    newcomer3 Big Damn Hero

  19. Deville

    Deville Aquatic Astronaut

    hey if anyone wants to play add me on steam deville or coupedeville88

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