Fireworks in the sky,And it is no lie,If i say that i shall play,Starbound that awesome game, Fireworks in the sky,I shall go up very high,And beating the game,That is where i for aim. Fireworks in starbound.That should close that horrible wound,Of waiting for release,That is where i for please,
Good stuff. I like the use of imperfect rhymes. I have a hard time using them since they always feel weird in my mind. Best of luck in the contest, knopie!
No problem! It can be a little hard trying to convey what theme a piece of writing is about. Likewise a reader's interpretation of the theme. Anywho, best of luck. =)
You never mention new years, though. Well, I guess fireworks counts. I'm guessing the judges won't be too picky, so I think you're fine