Modding Discussion New to Modding - png strips?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Consolex, Dec 22, 2013.

  1. Consolex

    Consolex Aquatic Astronaut

    Hi everyone,

    I started reading through some of the tutorials and are slowly getting into modding Starbound. I have to admit though It took me a while to find an efficient way to create APNG in strips. I created each frame individually as a png file, Animated it in an online apng creator then imported said file into real world paint to save it as a strip.

    I made a quick search about creating png files but this forum is quite overwhelming. My questions is, what is everyone using to make animated images?

    I created a Japanese Ramen Stand Animation using the dust4.png file. I'm looking forward to making better animated objects than this one considering I used a altered stock image for the purpose of testing.

  2. Westeller

    Westeller Space Penguin Leader

  3. Consolex

    Consolex Aquatic Astronaut

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