Modding Help New to Modding Maps - Help with Tiled

Discussion in 'Mods' started by WhitneyFox, Jun 20, 2019.

  1. WhitneyFox

    WhitneyFox Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi All,

    I'm trying to use Tiled (as suggested here: to create my own map, but when I open the basic tbin files all I get is a screen with red Xs.

    What am I doing wrong?

    This is the Forage Map in Tiled. The screen capture is showing the "back" layer, but the other layers are all the same.

    • pepoluan

      pepoluan Big Damn Hero

      Tiled needs the tilesheets to be in the same directory. When you open the .tbin, there should be a pane listing all the tilesheets it cannot find. Copy all of them to the same directory as the .tbin file.
      • Moragaine

        Moragaine Existential Complex

        @WhitneyFox You need to add the tilesheets that the map uses to the folder where your .tbin is that you're editing; you'll need spring_outdoors and paths.
        • WhitneyFox

          WhitneyFox Void-Bound Voyager

          Soooo much better, Thank You both.

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