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New Stretch Goal confirmed

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Somanei, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. Rins

    Rins Master Chief

    Worm holes or black holes, or option to destroy planets by orbital shooting or destroying core of planet.
    ErekoseDM and Lyevial like this.
  2. Azharot

    Azharot Void-Bound Voyager

    Pets of SPACE CATS!!!!!! :mwahaha:
  3. Daitenshi

    Daitenshi Giant Laser Beams


    -cough- Shameless Self Promote -cough-

    Seriously though I'd love an organized form of pvp/pve battles into the game.

    Well all they have to do is say "We're working on it but since we didn't get the funding it will be out post launch"
    Godzilla03 and Sandopwns like this.
  4. MrAndypanda

    MrAndypanda Void-Bound Voyager

    Floating brain race, cos we all loved that episode...:)
    GrumpyMcfart and WoxandWarf like this.
  5. Eldritch

    Eldritch Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    A companion from another destroyed planet you pick up in the main quest with his/her own personality and story arc that you can choose to take with you on missions would be cool.

    It would make single player less lonely at the very least.
    ErekoseDM, shardival and Passarbye like this.
  6. Passarbye

    Passarbye Phantasmal Quasar

    as long as it wasn't as useless as that damn rabbit in terraria, we'll be fine. :catface2:
  7. NightFire

    NightFire Parsec Taste Tester

    But guys....you have to admit they're making it rain right?
    ums, WoxandWarf and shardival like this.
  8. Daitenshi

    Daitenshi Giant Laser Beams


    Yes they are pulling quite a bit of funds in for "pre-order/Kickstarter" Let's hope that they use if for the greater good of the game.
  9. NightFire

    NightFire Parsec Taste Tester

    thanks for correcting me :p my mind slips when im on the internet
  10. shardival

    shardival Pangalactic Porcupine

    I really like your idea. :up:

    It would be cool to customize this character - appearance, weapons, armors etc. :)
  11. Passarbye

    Passarbye Phantasmal Quasar

    so far it's totaled up to

    stretch goal almost completed! :lolwut:

    and even more now! not even 1 minute after i posted, we've raised $100 !!
    shardival likes this.
  12. Nymz

    Nymz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So far we've seen pistols, rifles, rocket launchers, swords, etc.
    Roles i've seen mentioned so far have been Tank, Support, Sniper, etc.

    How about Magic? Add wands/staffs and have a Mage role.
    If not Magic, then an Alchemy system with potions that allow you to imbue weapons to cast/fire a magical property like Lightning, Water, etc.
  13. kcbledsoe

    kcbledsoe Space Spelunker

    I like the idea of them hiring new people to work on the game. I think a good goal would be to say "we need "x" amount of money to hire "x" amount of people to work on things. If you look at the Roadmap theres a lot of stuff left to be done on quests and mechs. It would be a good idea in my opinion if the new people they brought in would work on those parts of the game. I think that would truly get the game out faster, and than if we wanted more races or weapons or whatever else they could add those in post release. Basically, having new people to complete the core parts of the game would be my preference, or at least to make a bunch of new mech sprites and writers to create lots and lots of quest dialogue and stories.
    Passarbye likes this.
  14. NightFire

    NightFire Parsec Taste Tester

    I don't expect to see magic but i do like the idea of alchemy that does seem like it could squish it's way in..such as you shoot pellets and lighting strikes happen. but alchemy does seem like a great fix to magical abilities.
  15. mrMish

    mrMish Void-Bound Voyager

    I like the idea of bringing in an outsider or two to help with the no doubt ridiculous amount of quests and content. However, I don't think I want any more hands in the 'core' pot, if you will - I think that fewer people equal more acute execution; when it comes to core mechanics...I think you want precision.
    Endless Rain likes this.
  16. FenixR

    FenixR Cosmic Narwhal

    Magic as already been ditched both by the community and i think some devs, because its not really what they have in mind for their game. The alchemy stuff i'm not entirely sure, maybe yes but not as alchemy per se.
  17. NightFire

    NightFire Parsec Taste Tester

    i really don't care for magic anymore but they will just need to make sword fighting and side scrolling shooting interesting
  18. Alot

    Alot Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Let's try to keep it a PG-13 game, thank you very much.
  19. kcbledsoe

    kcbledsoe Space Spelunker

    Well, sure if you are talking about strictly gameplay and the actual coding/programming-I'd want to leave it to the original team. When I mentioned "core parts" i really was talking about the content that would need to be pumped out in large amounts (such as more sprites and dialogue. Speaking of which, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to get artists to create even more backgrounds for variety... Just to keep adding more and more biomes stuff like that). Basically things that are fairly time consuming, but in the end are not hard to make just require a lot of "hands on deck". I personally just want to see a lot of depth in the game. A lot of immersion.
  20. Nymz

    Nymz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm at least hoping for a gun like this: 1:30

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