New Home for Dusty the Dog

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Amx, May 20, 2018.

  1. Amx

    Amx Void-Bound Voyager

    Poor little Dusty needs a better home than just living in a box. :(
    I came across few mods, seems a bit complicated since it consist of replacing the whole town, which something I don't want because I do have a town mod that I'm currently using.

    Can we upgrade Dusty's home like what we can do for Pam's house? Or perhaps let Dusty live with us in
    our own farm, make Dusty an interactive NPC. :catcry:
      Andunelen likes this.
    • Astrid Speckles

      Astrid Speckles Subatomic Cosmonaut

      I agree!

      I would also like to give our own dog/cat a little more love as well.

      However I wouldn't want Rusty to live on our farm, considering we already have a pet.
      And Alex seems attached to him, so I feel like leaving him in the town would be best
      But I agree he really needs to get a little more love and attention.

      I play with the idea that Dusty that is somewhat disabled, his back legs don't work.
      If you have enough hearts with everyone in the town, you could unlock this event for Dusty?
      It would be awesome if like... somehow Harvey knows enough about the human body that he is somewhat knowledgable about Animal's bodies,
      And knows something isn't right, contacts someone in Zuzu city who is a vet (Not too far-fetch since he knows a councillor in Zuzu City for Shane's heart events)
      You could pay for the fees required to get him patched up.

      Then after this he could start walking around the town, Jaz and Vincent could play with him.
      Gus could give him a steak every Friday or something,
      Alex would probably play fetch with him time to time.
      I imagine that Sam would just chill out near him too.
        Amx likes this.
      • Amx

        Amx Void-Bound Voyager

        @Astrid Speckles


        Might sound a bit too dramatic but I nearly cried about if Dusty being disabled. :avalicry:

        this is so beautiful, please make this happen oh dear @ConcernedApe .

        just so pure, my heart grows ten sizes but shattered a bit too

          Astrid Speckles likes this.
        • Astrid Speckles

          Astrid Speckles Subatomic Cosmonaut

          I kinda got inspired by this doggo's story if you want more bittersweet happy endingness!
          • Andunelen

            Andunelen Space Penguin Leader

            Alex already has exercise equipment in his room, the outside area should be for Dusty, just like Shane has his chicken coop for his chicken Charlie.

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