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New Floran House Picture

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Stargazer, Nov 14, 2012.

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  1. Fengrich

    Fengrich Big Damn Hero

    Wait, who says they love plants? Having a similar appearance to plants doesn't necessarily mean they love them.

    Besides, I get more of a swamp feel from these things more than jungle. Bellwort and venus flytraps are probably on their list of 'protected' plants rather than flowers.
  2. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    You assume I'm only a few when I have many behind me,
    WE have conquering many before, and is at no plan to stop.
    There will be no mercy, for we are the ultimate race,
    All others will become slaves for our Manifest destiny,
    That if which is conquering the final frontier.
  3. Rho posted it on twitter a few minutes before it appeared here.
    Keeper likes this.
  4. Soup

    Soup Giant Laser Beams

    Seems to have a bit of a tribal theme. Florans are the native Martians!
  5. Arretez

    Arretez Spaceman Spiff

    Well, at least I'll have the moral high ground. Wouldn't you agree?
  6. Star and Moon

    Star and Moon Space Kumquat

    I think their bluffing, the floran guy is obviously infiltrating some kind of flesh eating monster's lair.
  7. Breather

    Breather Oxygen Tank

    If they weren't they'd be cannibals.
    Nirn likes this.
  8. Fengrich

    Fengrich Big Damn Hero

    Except that cannibalism only counts for consuming one's own species.

    Nothing says they aren't cannibals anyways.
  9. Arretez

    Arretez Spaceman Spiff

    I wouldn't blame the Florans if they were cannibals. After all, they're an excellent source of vitamin A and potassium.
    TheAwesomeAvian likes this.
  10. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    Honeslty how could you NOT eat yourself if you looked just SO great,
    I know I'll eat myself once game comes out.
  11. Arretez

    Arretez Spaceman Spiff

    That reminds me, the humans have put together a warning video for the Florans:

    Stay out of our land, ya hear.
  12. Hmm, this has certainly gone in a strange direction.
  13. Arretez

    Arretez Spaceman Spiff

    But you still have all your hair... o_O
  14. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    Being delicious has its perks,
    Though some consider them downsides...
    But alas I don't so ensue the self canibilism.
  15. Arretez

    Arretez Spaceman Spiff

    Just think about what you have two of and only eat one of them. You've got two legs, two arms, two kidneys, and two ears. Plus, you got ten fingers and ten toes! Who needs ten toes anyways? I know I don't!
  16. shcfyd

    shcfyd Subatomic Cosmonaut

    so does this mean floran villages will be rows of mushroom-shaped tree houses? actually i can imagine there being multiple styles of housing per race... villages of any kind are going to look nice

    but i thought florans were autotrophic? :whistle:
  17. Arretez

    Arretez Spaceman Spiff

    Well, I wouldn't say rows since it's a 2d game. I'd say panels. So, yes. There might be panels of mushroom-shaped tree houses.
  18. Poltergeist

    Poltergeist Zero Gravity Genie

    I'm glad though that there will be a pirmitive race. I really don't like the holdstyles for spears though. I mean I could understand if it was at least held with both hands to do a forward thrust but I much prefer an over the shoulder holdstyle similiar to the way you would hold a javelin before throwing it. Call me crazy..
  19. Arretez

    Arretez Spaceman Spiff

    Okey Dokey Lokey! I shall obey thy will. You're crazy. CRAZY!
  20. shcfyd

    shcfyd Subatomic Cosmonaut

    hows about a line of structures then :lod:


    anyway on floran diet, would be kinda funny seeing them standing around...photosynthesizing...
    I don't know how to use spoiler/show-hide button function :cry:
    Roxie Stables, Dzelda and Arretez like this.
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