Because of the above, the rest of this post is thus irrelevant! The Arsenal Codifier will be a new crafting table that allows for some weapon customization! The table allows you to modify your weapons by sacrificing weapons you don't want to apply their desirable traits to a weapon you want to keep. In this way, you can take a weapon with lousy stats but a desirable aesthetic, and grant it more effective or desirable capabilities! When you interact with the table, the FUSION SCREEN will appear. At the top of the screen will be 3 empty slots. The first two slots are for your desired weapon, and your "fusion material" (or "sacrifice"), respectively. The third slot is an output where the resulting modified weapon will appear when fusion is complete. Below the slots will be a variety of options you can toggle by checking the boxes next to them. 1. Physical Stats. - by checking this option you agree to over-write the desired weapon's stats with those of the Fusion Material's. 2. Element. - by checking this option you agree to over-write the desired weapon's element with that of the Fusion Material's. 3a. Specials - Basically the Right-Click function of your 2-handed weapons. 3b. Primary - For Staves/Wands only. A separate option to copy over (or not) the Left Click attack. 4. Firing Spread. - For guns only. Allows you to over-write the firing pattern and spread of the Desired Weapon with that of the Fusion Material's. 5. Firing SFX. - For guns only. Allows you to over-write the firing sound effect of the Desired Weapon with that of the Fusion Material's. 6. Name - Allows you to give your newly created weapon a unique name. At the bottom of the screen will be two options: Codify, and Cancel. If you select "Codify", a smaller pop-up will verify that you're certain you want to proceed with the Codifying process and warn you that the Fusion Material will be destroyed in the process. Click Yes to proceed, or No to return to the fusion menu and either cancel or reconfigure your codifying options. You cannot place weapons of different types together. The Fusion Material must be of the same weapon type as the Desired Weapon. With the Arsenal Codifier added to the game, I can finally have an Ice-Element Timmy with an Energy Aura special! Is that so much to ask!? Nevermind. Timmy was taken out of the game. :C
I think this is an awesome idea and hope that this would be doable i feel a mod would also work for this. but on the other hand i wish there was a crafting table that would allow weapon upgrade and visual changes so if you like a certain look for a gun or spear or sword you could have it if you already found it. and for straight upgrade so if you did find a weapon or weapons you love but have to let go because its old and useless and doesn't do enough damage. you could upgrade it with in tier's same way you would your armor different ore's would mean a different tier and only one tier at a time so you would have to put the time in to find the ore. and possibly a diamond or two depending on the tier. so the weapon could scale with you as you go farther into the game. i do like your idea for the special because if you craft weapons they are never have a special this way when you craft an item out of a table. you could Codifier it into having a special ability. hope this thread gets some sort of light by the dev's because that would make for more in game need to play as you could do more then just upgrade your ship and gear and only be able to find weapons that are any good '
Yes! I really really want this. I made a thread about this a long time ago. I would love to see some player customization for weaponry. Instead of hoping to find great stuff.
A couple more ideas: - Option to morph weapon appearance into that of the sacrificed one - Option to morph weapon sound into that of the sacrificed one (for guns obviously)
1. Not necessary. The Codifier already has this functionality, it just works the other way around. You put the weapon with the appearance you want in the first slot, and then you give it the desired stats from the weapon in slot 2. 2. That'd be neat, actually!
I was just about to suggest this! I think it should have some cost besides sacrificing a weapon to make it less overpowered. Maybe it should required 1 Upgrade Module for every trait you want to copy?
This sounds like an excellent concept to me! But if I could suggest a slight modification, I think it'd be cool to have the system work like a 3D Printer -- sacrificing weapons and a good deal of pixels in order to "learn" certain traits like elemental damage, special functions, etc. -- which could then be applied to the desired weapon. There's something about being able to dismantle and recreate certain items or properties in the 3D modeling system that I really enjoy and think could be used here provided this crafting system comes later in the game and requires adequately costly materials. This would essentially remove a good deal of RNG from producing desirable end-game weaponry and, to that end, I agree with spyroguy: this process would benefit from being more costly. Though I'm thinking something more like one or more of the following since the changes to the weapon are permanent and highly desired: Scaled pixel cost depending on how powerful the modified weapon is (Probably around 5-10k pixels for Extreme level weapons). 5 - 10 Upgrade Modules. 5 - 10 Manipulator Modules (To keep them relevant after the Matter Manipulator is fully upgraded). 15 - 30 Venom Samples, Scorched Cores, Static Cells, Cryonic Extract, or Hardened Carapace (For applying Poison, Fire, Lightning, Frost, or Normal damage). This post is a little longer than I anticipated it being, but in short: I love this idea. Being able to min-max our weapons in the way we desire sounds like a really nice quality of life change for Starbound as long as we have to work a bit for what we want.
I really like that notion, but it seems to me it might be easier to just make the 3D printer capable of scanning and saving guns you've found to be re-produced and then used in the codifier? Although having the Arsenal Codifier be a special 3D printer for weapons would also be great, too.
i would have called it a moding table because when you say new crafting system it sounds like we are gonna change the hole crafting system anyway i think its a cool idea
Update: With the introduction of the new Staves, I've added a new option for the Arsenal Codifier that lets you choose whether or not to copy over the Left-Click function separately from the right click (so you can further personalize your staves to your precise desires).
I'm currently trying to implement something like this (tired of waitin'). I think I will concentrate on decorative elements first so it won't ruin the balance. However, I'm in dire need of the documentation since there is not much docs about available lua functions.
You can now track it. Mind you, it's purely proof-of-concept now. I'm learning as I go. I'm not sure any more I should continue my work. Modding IRC revealed @DarkTakayanagi did most of what I've planned to do. *sigh* Anyway, enjoy!
I had no idea that people had a concept super similar to mine. I've just read the OP and wow, it feels like they described my mod spot on. well, if you guys end up using my mod, hope you like it. And if you need anything, I'll glady help (I'm still pretty newb tho, this is my first mod and first time programmin in Lua)
Yeah holy crap this is just about exactly what I wanted! My only beef so far is that it doesn't work with shields yet.
After some consideration I've decided to continue working on my mod. @DarkTakayanagi graciously allowed me to pick some tricks from him. I'd like to note, however, that our ideas are somewhat different in the end. To mention just a few differences, I want to make modifications require resources in the end. Also I'm currently working (very lazily working) on dying equipment. I plan to extrapolate my mod on other gear eventually, but right now I've decided to limit it to guns to make debugging easier. So currently to get max functionality out there DarkTakayanagi's mod is your best choice. PS. And yes. I want mine thing to be able to work with shields. Eventually. No ETA, though.