Modding Help need help identifying which mod this comes from.

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by spacemarine070, Nov 10, 2018.

  1. spacemarine070

    spacemarine070 Void-Bound Voyager

    Been meaning to solve crash that's been happening lately but i cant find which mod it comes from.
    Here's the end of log, thank you.

    [10:29:42.849] [Error] Application: exception thrown, shutting down: (ObjectException) Error loading object '/objects/shop/decoration/redgyutarimbdeocred1.object': (MaterialException) Error loading material file /tiles/materials/azulejos1.material
    Caused by: (MaterialException) Duplicate material id 5201 found for material azulejos1wall
    [0] 7ff6909678c3 Star::captureStack
    [1] 7ff69096664e Star::StarException::StarException
    [2] 7ff690c130aa Star::ObjectException::format<Star::String,Star::OutputProxy>
    [3] 7ff69130027b `Star::ObjectDatabase::readConfig'::`1'::catch$1024
    [4] 7ffe0136c220 _C_specific_handler
    [5] 7ffe013629b2 _FrameUnwindFilter
    [6] 7ffe093f43f3 RtlCaptureContext
    [7] 7ff690c1f984 Star::ObjectDatabase::readConfig
    [8] 7ff690c15dba <lambda_95d5e6debe45cf2b8dc1b201a32a1bbd>::eek:perator()
    [9] 7ff690c15cfd <lambda_85d3cb3663cff993e632ba182014e8f2>::eek:perator()
    [10] 7ff690c13413 Star::LruCacheBase<Star::OrderedMapWrapper<Star::FlatHashMap,Star::String,std::pair<__int64,std::shared_ptr<Star::ObjectConfig> >,Star::BlockAllocator<std::pair<Star::String const ,std::pair<__int64,std::shared_ptr<Star::ObjectConfig> > >,1024>,Star::hash<Star::String,void>,std::equal_to<Star::String> > >::get<<lambda_85d3cb3663cff993e632ba182014e8f2> >
    [11] 7ff690c197c9 Star::ObjectDatabase::getConfig
    [12] 7ff690afb365 Star::ItemDatabase::addObjectItems
    [13] 7ff690af55ff Star::ItemDatabase::ItemDatabase
    [14] 7ff690d15955 std::make_shared<Star::ItemDatabase>
    [15] 7ff690d1b0b9 <lambda_c979fe2661440bde921b022a5da87f15>::eek:perator()
    [16] 7ff690d0c5ef std::_Invoker_functor::_Call<<lambda_c979fe2661440bde921b022a5da87f15> & __ptr64>
    [17] 7ff690d103c6 std::invoke<<lambda_c979fe2661440bde921b022a5da87f15> & __ptr64>
    [18] 7ff690d0dc89 std::_Invoke_ret<std::shared_ptr<Star::ItemDatabase>,<lambda_c979fe2661440bde921b022a5da87f15> & __ptr64>
    [19] 7ff690d1cfb6 std::_Func_impl<<lambda_c979fe2661440bde921b022a5da87f15>,std::allocator<int>,std::shared_ptr<Star::ItemDatabase> >::_Do_call
    [20] 7ff690d1b5b7 std::_Func_class<std::shared_ptr<Star::DungeonDefinitions> >::eek:perator()
    [21] 7ff690d12553 Star::Root::loadMemberFunction<Star::ItemDatabase>
    [22] 7ff690d10999 Star::Root::loadMember<Star::ItemDatabase>
    [23] 7ff690d215d2 Star::Root::itemDatabase
    [24] 7ff690d0c740 std::_Invoker_pmf_pointer::_Call<std::shared_ptr<Star::VersioningDatabase const > (__cdecl Star::Root::*)(void) __ptr64,Star::Root * __ptr64 & __ptr64>
    [25] 7ff690d0ff79 std::invoke<std::shared_ptr<Star::StatisticsDatabase const > (__cdecl Star::Root::*& __ptr64)(void) __ptr64,Star::Root * __ptr64 & __ptr64>
    [26] 7ff690d0d98c std::_Invoke_ret<std::shared_ptr<Star::TerrainDatabase const > (__cdecl Star::Root::*& __ptr64)(void) __ptr64,Star::Root * __ptr64 & __ptr64>
    [27] 7ff690d0c7ce std::_Call_binder<std::_Unforced,0,std::shared_ptr<Star::TechDatabase const > (__cdecl Star::Root::*)(void) __ptr64,std::tuple<Star::Root * __ptr64>,std::tuple<> >
    [28] 7ff690d0bf2e std::_Binder<std::_Unforced,std::shared_ptr<Star::Configuration> (__cdecl Star::Root::*)(void) __ptr64,Star::Root * __ptr64 const>::eek:perator()<>
    [29] 7ff690d1c902 std::_Func_impl<Star::SwallowReturn<std::_Binder<std::_Unforced,std::shared_ptr<Star::MonsterDatabase const > (__cdecl Star::Root::*)(void) __ptr64,Star::Root * __ptr64 const> >,std::allocator<int>,void>::_Do_call
    [30] 7ff69095e3db <lambda_7b083dc4bdd496712d99e51bb49515b5>::eek:perator()
    [31] 7ff69095f202 Star::WorkerPool::WorkerThread::run
    [32] 7ff69096440e Star::ThreadImpl::runThread
    [33] 7ffe068d1fe4 BaseThreadInitThunk
    [34] 7ffe093bcb31 RtlUserThreadStart
    [10:29:42.849] [Info] Application: shutdown...
    [10:29:42.992] [Info] Root: Shutting down Root
    [10:29:43.565] [Info] Application: Destroying SDL Window
    [10:29:43.870] [Info] Application: stopped gracefully

  2. bk3k

    bk3k Oxygen Tank

    I can give you more specific directions on finding this with the whole log. Mainly because that can tell me the install path. Also I recommend using the insert/code button for logs to disable the emojis.

    Anyhow you'd start with downloading notepad++ (64 bit).
    Open the program.
    <CTRL> + <F> to open the search window
    Choose the "Find in Files" tab
    "Directiory" would be something like F:\Games\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\211820 except you'd need to match that to where you have Steam Installed. And that assumes Steam workshop mods. If all manually installed, then it would point to your \mods\ folder instead.
    "Find what" would be 5201
    You don't need to change other options. Just click "Find all" and wait because it could take some time.

    Once it is done, the results are on buttom. They will look like
    Where the value of xxxxxxxxx is what you want. You plug that number into this
    and that address would bring up a page. For example

    You should have 2 results, and one should be Protectorate blocks.

    Anyhow some mod is conflicting with Protectorate blocks which properly reserved that ID range here. When you find out who it is, I'm curious so let us know but also show them that page and inform them they need to reserve and use a different range of materialIDs. There are over 65 thousand IDs to use after all. I could explain that to them if you tell me who it is.

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