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RELEASED N-pack! [ Available on the Steam Workshop! ] 1.0.0

Adds in new powerful items, gear, armor, npc's, and species.

  1. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    I think it should look sort of like the Terraria Underworld, but with a dark red sort of theme to it. And the enemies should have a Dioblyn theme. Seeing that this is what the Dioblyn's were trying to make.
    For the actual blocks you should have them look sort of like extremely burnt ground or cracked rock with a red glow coming out of the cracks.

    Enemy idea: Dark Spine Mine

    Dark Spine Mine.png

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 14, 2018
  2. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

    Heres how it looks so far...[​IMG]

    Ill start with the monsters next
  3. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Looking good, when you release it you might want to make the background look more charred (unless the planet in that screenshot isn't fully terraformed in which case I'll leave you to it and try to think of some more monster ideas.)
  4. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Thought up another one: Magma Golem.
    Magma Golem.png
  5. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Demon Sentry
    Demon Sentry.png
  6. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

  7. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

  8. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    You made a mistake that caused the Corruption Altar to not terraform. You need to go into the Corruption Altar's code and change "terraformPlanetType" : "corrupted" to "terraformPlanetType" : "corruption".
  9. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Alright, here's my report on the Corruption Biome: First of all, the music is very unnerving and fits the biome perfectly, so don't change it. Secondly, you can't terraform any planets to this by normal means, because the Corruption Altar has another issue. The Corruption Altar is set to change the biome type to corruptionterraform, and the planet type to corruption. But there's a problem, the corruption planet type does not exist, leaving the altar unable to terraform because it doesn't have all the information it needs. Anyway, let's talk about the monsters; the monsters are quite nice and suit the biome and provide quite a challenge, but I think you need to increase the spawn chance of the Dark Mine. Right now it doesn't seem to spawn at all, I actually had to spawn it to see what it was like, and I think it's explosion doesn't do enough damage... maybe you could make it so the explosion shoots out a ring of flame projectiles. You're probably already planning this, but be sure to add more monsters, and maybe you could use some more of my ideas. Finally I think we need a more menacing background rather than the volcanic background. That's all for this report, I look forward to future updates. Let me know if you need any help :)
    Noah Nebula likes this.
  10. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

    Fixed it, ill include it in the next update.
    [EDIT] nvm, even that isn't working, it keeps randomly breaking and I can't find it in the log. Maybe you can get the script to work correctly.
    The idea of it is that when the player gets too close, the alter activates on its own. @bk3k did the script, although it still has some bugs.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2018
  11. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

    I can do the parallax, but the darkmines fire projectiles will take some time for me to learn.
  12. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Curious... Can you send me the untested version? Maybe I can get it to work.
  13. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Try using the Bone Dragon's fireball explosion as a template. I noticed it shoots out a bunch of flame projectiles when it activates.
  14. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

    yea sorry it took me a while, had to work all day today. Here you go.
  15. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    I found the problem, you didn't define the Corruption planet type in celestial.config.patch. You also need to make horizon graphics and other necessary planet data for it to work. Corruption planets need everything that the Nebula planets do except for the terrestrial data which would make them appear naturally.
  16. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

    I did what you said and made the corruption planet type in the celestial.config.patch but now the game crashes on startup;
    [Error] Application: exception thrown, shutting down: (JsonException) No such key in Json::get("corruption")
  17. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Okay, give me that version and I'll look into it.
  18. Noah Nebula

    Noah Nebula Sandwich Man

  19. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Okay, I should have a fixed version somewhere in between now and the day after tomorrow.
  20. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    You didn't actually make any horizon graphics for corrupted planets, therefore the code in celestial.config.patch is referring to graphics that don't exist, causing the game to crash. I would make a fixed version, but judging by how well the Nebula horizon was drawn, it'd be better for you to do it.

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